coke for the soul

Thursday, August 21, 2008

fuckin' in the bushes

when i got to school i thought everyone would be talking about usain bolt since the olympics is the only thing on tv these days. i was quite disappointed. setting a world record and all is quite a milestone, i hear. well at least nobody was talking about ping pong...oh sorry...table tennis anymore.

updating only because im being pressured into blogging by miss milkshake who thinks my blog is her trash bin. my blog is MY trash bin. peer pressure...

being in a christian school constitutes certain morning routines. one of them being prayer session. about 30 seconds long if an SFC member does it, about 5 minutes long if a teacher does it, about 10 minutes long if the principal does it. i don't know, is it supposed to go by rank or something? higher up the ladder, the more you get to hog the mic or something like that. being the agnostic that i am, i don't have to pray. i just have to stand there, look respectful and keep my JC slammings to my blog; a system that work for everyone fine. so while everyones bowing their heads and praying i usually think about where in my day i can slip in my morning naps and well look around. sometimes i want to see who else is not praying also. can you blame me? im nosy. sometimes i try to make eye contact with them.

okay, so principals praying today. im looking around right and then i see this guy. he's situated diagonally from me with no one to hinder my view. oh you wouldn't believe the sight i saw. he brought his finger to his nose, scratched it, stuck it into is nostrils that were enlarged from prior practice and dug it. and oh did he dig. if there was and olympics for nose picking, he would have won the gold medal. he was also making this "shiok"face, like there was this one little booger stuck in the crevice of his nostril cave that he just couldn't get out, but it was satisfying to try anyway. oh my my. i was almost rooting for it to come out to put him out of agony. and then, finally, it came out. the little shit was a stuck between his fingernails. he analysed it for a few seconds. raised his fingers to his mouth and tada! the deed was done. i looked around for witnesses. alas, i was the only lucky winner. yipee. which brings me too...

note: the following consists of disgusting scenarios taken from the 'prospect' magazines. if you have a weak heart, don't continue. if you don't usually read my blog, now isn't really a good time to start. come back next week. bye. adios.

story number 1: scenario that may or may not have happened. probably didn't but could.

guy goes to the market. guy buys a whole frozen chicken from market. guy warms it up at home. guy puts a condom on and fucks the chicken. guy finishes fucking. guy cooks the chicken. a roast maybe. guy serves it up for sunday dinner to his mates and girlfriend. guy earns title of disgusting.

story number 2: probably happened before in weirdo societies

a guy and his sister decide to have sex. they agree its a one time thing. they use all protection known to man. they enjoy it. they go back to normalcy afterwards. in fact their relationship improves. no one ever finds out. they're labeled as disgusting weirdos.

DISGUST. why? the premises are all set out for you nice and cleanly. you've picked you nose plenty of times. you're only eating your own mucus. ah, but you cringe, you cringe the same way you cringe when you hear someone just drank their own pee. "eeeeew" you go. why? explain the rationality behind irrationality.

we often use disgust to protect ourselves, a sanctity in which we seclude ourselves in. why is something you do without a second thought when you're 2 become so disgusting when you're 20? the essence of disgust stems from us all standing from our high ground of morality. i ask you, who the hell are you to decide what's moral and what's not? who are you to cringe your nose and deem something disgusting? does eating your nose shit harm you in any way? in fact smoking does more harm than eating you nose poo. so what makes one more disgusting than the other or what makes them both as disgusting? why turn your nose at it? why, especially when you can't find a reason for it?

fucking a dead chicken may be erotic for some. it works for them. there doesn't seem to be any problems. dozens will admit to sodomy and bestiality, especially in western settings. no STDs, a quick fix, safe and hygienic. and yet something in your mind tells you that there's something seriously wrong with this scenario. is there really? is fucking a chicken any better than having wild promiscuous sex with random woman with unpronounceable diseases? how is masturbation any better when the concept is the same? what makes you writhe in disgust? pin point it. can you even get started? don't try to explain it with morality. morality has nothing to do with it. its like explaining rationality with irrationality.

note: im not telling you to go fuck dead chicken or your sister. just analysing Disgust.

if any of you have a CONCRETE reason why any of the above mentioned is truly disgusting, i would genuinely like to know your take. if you can pin point the exact reason why our brains make us squirm and squeal, tell me. please think it through though.

on that note, a little advertising: the 'prospect' makes you really think. its a series of monthly mind fuckery. go read it sometime, its fanfuckingtastic. till next time.