well hello there cyber dwellers...welcome welcome...welcome into my humble abode...
today, we had school only for 4 hours. 2 hours of econs and 2 hours of pw. 4 hours of...drum roll please...CT Choo! Yippfuckidydoo! because im a lazy fuck and can't stand her, im going to remove one letter and replace another letter in her name. from here on forward, she shall be known as CT Poo.
anyone and everyone who has tried their hand at PW will agree with me that PW sucks my dead grandaddy's dry balls. CT Poo totally pisses me off. she should go suck some balls. probably would make her less uptight, straight laced, boring and ANAL. yup. sucking some balls would make her life a fuck better. definitely.
i just downloaded all the albums of Oasis and i have to say ive totally been missing out on a ton of oasis love. liam and noel gallagher are rock sluts and they make fucking fantastic music. its not really helping my judgment that im bobbing up and down in my seat and spinning around listening to them while i write this. ah what the hell, when have i been unbiased. its head banging, pot smoking, irish sailor swearing rock and roll music that everyone, at one point in their lives will fall in love with and never grow out of. you mainstream toads suckers really don't know what you guys are missing out on listening to the janus/jeremiah/jonas/jojo (its multiple choice) brothers. head thrashing goodness, yum yum yummy yum. oh fuck. ive entered a state of trance. get me my pipe buddha...
okay back from my little hiatus. here's one reason why i love allan. he's my one and only link to all things GAY and psychedelic. and BOY DO I LOVE all things gay and psychedelic. be prepared to enter a state of mind where you can't return from...the land of the GAY. dang dang dang DANG! lets now momentarily enter a gay club and do the YES dance (yes, ]the YES dance) complete with pelvic struts. yum yum. here comes the funk fucktards.
no warnings this time yeah. let's face it, if you knew what's good for you, you wouldn't even be reading my blog. so, off we go then...
today, we had school only for 4 hours. 2 hours of econs and 2 hours of pw. 4 hours of...drum roll please...CT Choo! Yippfuckidydoo! because im a lazy fuck and can't stand her, im going to remove one letter and replace another letter in her name. from here on forward, she shall be known as CT Poo.
anyone and everyone who has tried their hand at PW will agree with me that PW sucks my dead grandaddy's dry balls. CT Poo totally pisses me off. she should go suck some balls. probably would make her less uptight, straight laced, boring and ANAL. yup. sucking some balls would make her life a fuck better. definitely.
i just downloaded all the albums of Oasis and i have to say ive totally been missing out on a ton of oasis love. liam and noel gallagher are rock sluts and they make fucking fantastic music. its not really helping my judgment that im bobbing up and down in my seat and spinning around listening to them while i write this. ah what the hell, when have i been unbiased. its head banging, pot smoking, irish sailor swearing rock and roll music that everyone, at one point in their lives will fall in love with and never grow out of. you mainstream toads suckers really don't know what you guys are missing out on listening to the janus/jeremiah/jonas/jojo (its multiple choice) brothers. head thrashing goodness, yum yum yummy yum. oh fuck. ive entered a state of trance. get me my pipe buddha...
okay back from my little hiatus. here's one reason why i love allan. he's my one and only link to all things GAY and psychedelic. and BOY DO I LOVE all things gay and psychedelic. be prepared to enter a state of mind where you can't return from...the land of the GAY. dang dang dang DANG! lets now momentarily enter a gay club and do the YES dance (yes, ]the YES dance) complete with pelvic struts. yum yum. here comes the funk fucktards.
no warnings this time yeah. let's face it, if you knew what's good for you, you wouldn't even be reading my blog. so, off we go then...



really, who wouldn't want to be gay when they make everything seem so funfuckingtastic. sigh... er...right. okay for those of you tired of those korean, japanese, taiwanese, cantonese dramas, here's something that won't lower you IQ. take comfort in the fact that you can safely watch it without having highly disillusioned views about how the world revolves and works.
i personally think HOUSE is a good escape from all things boring and mundane, well...your life really. wit, humour, sarcasm and....well an early 50s bearded british fellow acting as a grouchy american doctor. you can see why me liking this showey.
the story: not really a continuous prose form. there are some links between episodes so its good for those who are unable to sit through dramedies like me. its about this brilliant genius doctor names Greg House who solves unsolvable medical mysteries. not much blood and stuff, just some cool computer animation to depict what's happening in the patients body. he has this team of 3 to bounce of ideas off of and be his minions. he verbally abuses them with his sarcasm and intellect. people other than me finds this funny so you can safely start watching twerps. did i mention he's addicted to prescription drugs? heh heh heh, everything a girl with upcoming promos dreams of.