coke for the soul

Friday, August 1, 2008

bright lights


so mother nature's having hot flashes again. maybe she should take some of those menopausal pills that were advertised in the june issue of psychology today. this little nugget of info would have been completely random if it didn't reveal the fact that i was actually reading an advert for menopausal pills. hmm. urgh, leaving my artificially induced igloo every morning is a pain in the arse. the scenario presented in 'the day after tomorrow' doesn't seem so bleak to me now. nonetheless, it friday. even if its not saying much anymore, its still gives me an illusion of what a weekend was like back in those days when extra school activities were a third world country thing. well, how else did you think chinese children earned their bread...well 'pau' actually...if they weren't making my ipod nano? its been bloody hot these few days and i have to go to school tomorrow for sajc open house. clearly im annoyed. hopefully my morning shift doesn't drag and MM gets all high with me. allan took the afternoon shift. that bastard's cruelties know no end.

over the weekend ive got homework to finish up and music to illegally and shamelessly download and distribute to christine and maybe beta. last night i sort of unloaded all my pent up frustrations and gave her the radiohead/muse/coldplay albums ive been selfishly hoarding. im a selfish twit, i know. 50% of my playlist comes from secondhand sources (who've generously took the time to give them to me), i know that too. still i like holding on to them tightly. i like enjoying them privately before i actually share. is that sooo very terrible of me?? so it takes me some time to really start releasing my monkey grip off the good stuff, is that so bad. urgh. i sound like a prick. alas, eventually i know i must share or else there would be no one to deeply analyse them with me. no one to squeal and get girly feelings with me. no one to simultaneously leech off of around me either.

morale of the story children: being selfish is worth it, especially when you get off feeling like a snobbish indie kid(title courtesy of christine). otherwise its still share and care and all that shit...

oh what's this i hear? are those eager gleeful pleadings asking me what my week's been like? ah, scavenging for some depressing details from me to make all your pathetic puny little lives seem much more tolerable i see...well, its been an eventful week. as usual no photos. a bit narcissitic to do both commentary on your own life and have pictures of yourself backing it up isn't it?

on wednesday the team painted the open house banner. it we used spray paints so it was very in line for our notoriety of being a slack off and jack off cca. well, i loved it even though i haven't seen the completely finished product yet. at first mr. i-got-A2-for-art allan goh had no balls to start because he didn't want to be responsible for spoiling the banner. then when he finally started, the rest of us chipped in as well after a while. basic fun la. how can painting a banner be anything but that? it was a little like making weird butterfly know the ones', squeeze tubes of poster paints of random colours onto a paper, fold it symmetrically and use a rolling pin of sort to "spread" the paint out? open and voila, down syndrome butterfly! yup that's the one. i think maybe mdm ng (photog teacher) is a little daunted by this year's batch of photography students. we make a big deal out of everything. a very "gung ho" type of lot.

i left photography a little earlier to go home and take a shower before "rapture". for those of you foreign to sajc culture, "rapture" is a large scale dance production by, needless to say, the dance society. its also a school event that i actually attended (paid money and all too). no thats not a typo. nope i haven't turned over a new leaf, nor am i possessed fuckers though it would explain a lot of things. hmm. it was held at the esplanade. oh yes! very pish posh (not that i was dressed for it anyway). and yes, it was so good that im going out of my way to mention it. practically an honour.

the end. have a good evening.