coke for the soul

Thursday, August 7, 2008

don't listen to the radio


i was never big on the racial harmony thing or national day thing. its quite obvious that my nationalistic sense of belonging has been warped. its a total farce and we being the idiotic singaporeans that we are, just lap it up. im going to school tomorrow only because ive had imaginary diarrhea and migraines at least 4 times in 4 weeks. AND tomorrow is half day anyway.

monday is service learning day for my class, 08s27. today was the preparation day. im in the logistics team. no comments. we packed the goodie bags for the orphans who have apparently never seen pencils, erasers and paper clips before in there lives. they've never had m&m chocolates either. oh dear...aren't we really giving and kind? i just feeeeeeel so goooood about myself by patronising little teeny weeny bitty boppers in their diapers. hellooo, they're in primary school...not pre-school. clearly im not the most enthusiastic of people when it comes to "service learning". urgh...service=servant=not me!!! im also a firm believer that "service" should not be forced upon anyone and CIP should be for volunteers only. unfortunately this 'event' is compulsory...there's that word again...everything's "compulsory" these days.

"CLAAAASSSSSS the government has just come up with a brand new idea on how we can make fools of ourselves...we're going to be irritating the pants of orphans with our condescension and IQ lowering games! since they don't have parents we think that's exactly what they neeeeeed...our divine intervention from up our moral high ground! YAAAAY! don't forget its compulsory!"

what happened to democracy and free fucking will? PAP, that's what. we're teaching the orphans (or was it cripples) the ACES day dance choreographed by the dance society. its quite good with lots of fancy foot work...but only if it wasn't performed by me. (waaaaaait a minute, they'd have to be orphans for them to be able to dance, they can't be disabled. well whaddya know...)

its ipod frenzy! we have a music post today. top ten outdated pop artists that have attained permanent residence status on your ipod and refuse to leave. well, its time to get them deported back to where they came from, the recycle bin. if you listen to jpop, kpop, lpop, mpop, npop, cantopop, mandopop or lollipop stop reading oriental...this has nothing to do with you, i'll find another day to pick on you. why are you here anyway?? go on, make yourself elsewhere in the blogging hemisphere(somewhere admist the trailing cursors and bunnies chasing the rainbow weblogs). if you really have these songs on your poddy-chan, which you probably do, abolish them at once. row them back up the mainstream butthole please...

1) back street boys (need i say more, there's a reason for why they disbanded...a good life saving one too...)

2) pussy cat dolls (no i don't wish my girl friend was hot like you. if anything, i wish i was hot like you...hmm? buttons? what buttons? ooooh THAT button! well you could have just called it what it really was: a G-spot. dude, take my can totally make more things rhyme with G-spot: pot, cot, slot, got, hot, shot, clot, rot. i could go on and on and on)

3) mandy moore/faith hill/leann rhymes/carrie underpants (come on! don't deny it...they're in there...waiting, clinging on to that last bit of free memory space, just refusing to leave...)

4) robbie williams (really robbie, rejoining take that would have been a good, okay better, idea than the disaster of trying your hand at rapping. this is just pathetic, seriously, if you've learned anything from the back street boys, its that once dead never to be revived. AND OHGAWD that chest hair has to come off. like seriously. wax. shave. electrocute. anything! let's do it together guys. right click. scroll down. 1, 2, 3 DELETE!!!!)

5) eminem (the white rapper thing really got demolished by JT when he did r&b thing darling. making fun of michael jackson really only gets you as far as the tabloid courtrooms. beyond that, its the endless onslaught of numerous DUIs and DWIs honey...maybe throw in a lovely suicide attempt? hmm? no? come on! reeeeeaaaaally keeps you gooooooiiiiiiing...)

6) jesse mccartney (one man boy band strumming his guitar. well, what can i say except that deny the fact that i never wanted to, neither do i want to, own his crap...oh sorry...shit. if anyone asks, i'll deny all existence of my knowledge of knowing who he is. i shudder at the thought of blonde, 12 year olds taking over the media satan that is MTV)

7) linkin park (oh i remember the days i was a young punk just like you, thinking i could change the world with one piercing at a time. wearing black, trying to make a statement by killing puppies and all that crap. 5 years later, im a better person for it. i kill kittens now.)

8) kelly clarkson (enough already, we get have hazel eyes. you want to breakaway. yes yes yes its all because of me. since who's been gone? to whom do we have to owe the years' worth of therapy to?? make yourself clear woman...just ONE american idol trophy and already you're whining about how miserable you are. get over it bitch. buy yourself some crack like the rest of the other famous people missy.)

9) rob thomas (oh yes, we all watched the same video...leather pants, booty shake, dear dear rob...i don't want to be lonely no more either...)

10) hoobastank (alright already, the reason is not you...its not me....its global warming ok? happy now? oh boohoo, get in line buddy. say hi to kelly for me...)

so that are 10 artists that i have kindly taken the time to highlight to you. please put them to good use. lets recapitulate, right click...scroll down...DELETE!!! ta da! you can do it! i pity the fate you've brought upon yourselves but no one told you to lap up what MTV offers you... now THAT'S what i call voluntary CIP work: providing my highly sought after services and saving the world one douchebag hick's itunes list at a time.