yummy yummy friday love. i love you all. jesus loves you all. jesus loves you more of course, but we all know that love is a figment of our imagination so you'll have to settle with just mine. uh clearly im high. cloud 9. tapping some bong. whatever you want to call it. the root of all evil is food. more specifically, cake.
it was a glorious day, one that every children's picture book depicts. blue birds(pigeons really, but you get my drift) and red roses(for narrative sake, bear with me) gleamed in the background with floating candy floss clouds(ah this actually was there) in the horizon. i walked into the CC for my friday morning chapel. oh yes, it was a glorious day. for you see, unlike every other chapel morning which made you stand up, sing songs and convert, this chapel session was different. it was different and enjoyable, which is always a miracle with me. i loved today's chapel. it was truly funtastic. it made my friday truly more enjoyable than it used to be. almost makes me want to make peace with the religion. i had no fucking clue what the pastor was going on about and that's exactly how i love my religion served to me, incomprehensible. what a truly wonderful start to an otherwise angst filled friday morning. hallelujah amen whatever, i'll go with the flow if all chapel sessions were in hokkien. although exactly how they're going to convert people in hokkien is besides me, i mean the unwitting indian usually just goes to sleep peacefully.
you can skip this part if you like. just fulfilling boring blog duties. next we had pw. miss choo. Lit: always enjoyable as it is the only lesson whereby i have any idea as to what's going on. miss zhou was clad in her usual 'this fashion' ensemble. a significant lapse passed where i learnt a lot from my classmate (whom i don't dislike at all, surprise!). then we had econs, miss choo again. i don't like her much. she thinks she's my mother and ive already gotten one, as dysfunctional she may be. i don't need another psycho on my trail. GP. marked compre and then watched video on south africa, robert mugabe and all that stuff. one of those things could have been done more productively at home, and i don't mean the video. a waste of a perfectly good morning, mmmmm just how i like my days.
and then in the afternoon: MISS MILKSHAKE'S BIRTHDAY LUNCH(which kind of turned into tea with the amount we dinner for this little piggy). its MM's birthday on sunday and tada! her 2 very almost bestest friends decided to feed her and make her fat. we went to fish and co. which seems to be the most obvious and apparent restaurant for a birthday bash these days. upon beta's suggestion we went to novena's fish & co. nothing out of the ordinary, just a dash of insanity, a cupful of good company, a handful of magic tricks (literally), some cam whoring and truckload of food to get the engine flaring up like a formula one race car with me (in my current state) in it. all in the day's work. it was honestly a spot of good fun.
yummy yummy friday love. i love you all. jesus loves you all. jesus loves you more of course, but we all know that love is a figment of our imagination so you'll have to settle with just mine. uh clearly im high. cloud 9. tapping some bong. whatever you want to call it. the root of all evil is food. more specifically, cake.
it was a glorious day, one that every children's picture book depicts. blue birds(pigeons really, but you get my drift) and red roses(for narrative sake, bear with me) gleamed in the background with floating candy floss clouds(ah this actually was there) in the horizon. i walked into the CC for my friday morning chapel. oh yes, it was a glorious day. for you see, unlike every other chapel morning which made you stand up, sing songs and convert, this chapel session was different. it was different and enjoyable, which is always a miracle with me. i loved today's chapel. it was truly funtastic. it made my friday truly more enjoyable than it used to be. almost makes me want to make peace with the religion. i had no fucking clue what the pastor was going on about and that's exactly how i love my religion served to me, incomprehensible. what a truly wonderful start to an otherwise angst filled friday morning. hallelujah amen whatever, i'll go with the flow if all chapel sessions were in hokkien. although exactly how they're going to convert people in hokkien is besides me, i mean the unwitting indian usually just goes to sleep peacefully.
you can skip this part if you like. just fulfilling boring blog duties. next we had pw. miss choo. Lit: always enjoyable as it is the only lesson whereby i have any idea as to what's going on. miss zhou was clad in her usual 'this fashion' ensemble. a significant lapse passed where i learnt a lot from my classmate (whom i don't dislike at all, surprise!). then we had econs, miss choo again. i don't like her much. she thinks she's my mother and ive already gotten one, as dysfunctional she may be. i don't need another psycho on my trail. GP. marked compre and then watched video on south africa, robert mugabe and all that stuff. one of those things could have been done more productively at home, and i don't mean the video. a waste of a perfectly good morning, mmmmm just how i like my days.
and then in the afternoon: MISS MILKSHAKE'S BIRTHDAY LUNCH(which kind of turned into tea with the amount we dinner for this little piggy). its MM's birthday on sunday and tada! her 2 very almost bestest friends decided to feed her and make her fat. we went to fish and co. which seems to be the most obvious and apparent restaurant for a birthday bash these days. upon beta's suggestion we went to novena's fish & co. nothing out of the ordinary, just a dash of insanity, a cupful of good company, a handful of magic tricks (literally), some cam whoring and truckload of food to get the engine flaring up like a formula one race car with me (in my current state) in it. all in the day's work. it was honestly a spot of good fun.
pictures to prove that such a great day was not just a figment of my imagination.
apparently, MM drinks soup with a fork. or maybe she was trying to comb my hair. can't remember. the clam soup was a good starter and had lots of chewy seafoodie ingredients in it. it was my first time trying the "hum" and i was quite revolted by the fact that i liked it. had an almost perverse chewiness to it that i relished.
main course: yes my dears, salivate as much as possible. seafood platter was amazing, probably because it was my first try. there was an excellent value for money portion that we shared. there was some calamari, chips, prawns, baked fish and yellow rice in the bottom. while MM and i didn't fancy the calamari much, beta liked it well. she was too full to finish, but nonetheless. i thought it was plainly cooked and could have been way better. really should invest in indian spices, really spruces things up i say.
MM's fish and chips. at first i wanted her to try something new and exciting, but when you're at fish & co. you must remember that its a speciality there. can't leave without having it, crispy sand-like crust that encased a moist and flaky fillet. it helped that it came in a big portion so we shared the divine goodness.
MM's drinking the passion fruit soda. looking back i should have tried some. looks so fucking good. notice the pan's empty and as clean as when fish & co. first purchased it. beta and i helped with the 'cleaning' up.
can you tell what dearest betamon's eating. if you look closely enough at her expression you can tell its totally going to give her an orgasm. yes, cyber dwellers, yes. IT'S GARLIC IN OLIVE OIL. i tried it. let's just say that it didn't exactly have the same effect.
there was a straw above my head to make me vaguely resemble tinky winky. notice my plate. notice my expression. draw the connections yourself please.
i swear i didn't mean to look so...deranged. MM said something to make my expression so contorted i think. beta's looks like she just stepped out of a sauna.
the view was splendid, in my opinion. it may not have been all that great, but it looked beautiful today afternoon. oh, i got an iced tea with a slice of lemon in it while beta got a sprite...with a slice of lemon in it. apparently that's what they do in "posh"places: lemonise everything. did i mention the fish and chips came with a lemon? so did the seafood platter.
after the massive meal, MM looks like she's going to burst at the seams else she makes a large burp. at this point the cake's not here yet.
i yelled out: advert for fish & co! and we have mixed responses (totally spontaneous and unplanned, they ended up giving similar poses). table full of...empty dishes. heh heh heh.
betamon covers her face with the shyness of a blushing bride. aaaw.
im probably looking at the cake, i have no idea.
for some reason MM thinks that she's a magician who can do card tricks. the concentration on her face was priceless...she ACTUALLY believes she can pull the wool over our eyes. my dear, you're a dozen years to late. but im too lazy to argue so...
beta and i humour and patronise her as she comes up with one after another on the spot. it was actually quite cute. at least she was better than beta and her weird arse coin trick. i think it looks like we were gambling at the empty(well, except for the staff) fish & co. what better way to end of a meal than to laze around showing each other lame card tricks.
we were almost about to give up on ourselves and then the cakes came. the forbidden confectionery in the garden of oestrogen. MM looks like she was going to devour them both. happy birthday! the first is a chocolate mousse and the second is a strawberry cheesecake. the third carrot cake was canceled for fear of our belly buttons popping inside out. now, lets see what happens when 3 lit students intoxicated on food and beverages do when they are presented with CAKE.
act 1, scene 1
act 1 scene 2
Aaaah, the sweet young Desdemona and Othello elope and marry behind Brabantio's back. They do "it" (by 'it' i mean sex for the characters) after she follows him to Cyprus, where the war is going on(Cyprus is my mouth and the war is the salivary tempest in my mouth.) Otello sort of gets on top of Desdemona."an old black ram is tupping your white ewe".
fast forward : final scene of final act
Othello kills Desdemona while she lies dormant, awaiting her chocolate man to return to her side. HOWEVER, our tragedy has a MUCH better ending, one that Shakespeare couldn't even dream of. don't worry its a happy happy one. Othello and Desdemona live happily ever after in the afterlife (in our bellies) where they finally become one. Othello continues tupping Desdemona even when they reach the sewer systems. the then get trapped in the partially permeable membrane while getting assimilated to become newater. then they become lanfill trash etc etc etc. you get it la, its a happy ending...for all of us.
MM and i feeding each other Othello while looking lovingly into each others eyes. i dare say we'll reach a better end then them. i swear she's in love with me. she's never denied it. you can totally ask her!! her affirmation will only deepen the meaning behind the look she's giving me right there...
truly im not one to talk either, the pure look of ecstasy says it all. it was a bloody fun outing and birthday lunch with beta and miss milkshake (the birthday girl). i can only hope it will last me until after promos and pw oral presentation.
like i said before, im high on crack and cake. it may be a weirder than usual blog post, but whatever. i blame it all on Othello and Desdemona. once again, to wrap up: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MM! may your milkshake bring all the boys to the yard for you're damn right they're better than mine.
Ps: i was going to post some really hilarious videos' (self-made ones, so you know they're awesome especially if they're from yours truly...) for you cyber creepers, but blogger's PMSing. well, all you can do now is admire the blogging dedication i have to post up SOOOOOOOO many pictures. it may be the last ounce of fun i have in the next 5 weeks so i wanted to properly document it. lament: OOOOH the everlasting woes of a JC student... have a good weekend of productive studying, internet predators!
Ps: i was going to post some really hilarious videos' (self-made ones, so you know they're awesome especially if they're from yours truly...) for you cyber creepers, but blogger's PMSing. well, all you can do now is admire the blogging dedication i have to post up SOOOOOOOO many pictures. it may be the last ounce of fun i have in the next 5 weeks so i wanted to properly document it. lament: OOOOH the everlasting woes of a JC student... have a good weekend of productive studying, internet predators!