coke for the soul

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

black hole

lately many people have been taking advantage of my nonchalance at racism, particularly towards indians. hey bastards, you're supposed to make fun of them WITH me, not AT me. dumbass. had photog today, fun. maybe pissed president off with too much of my tom foolery. eh heh heh heh. sorry darling... it was a pretty relaxed session. glad that i went eventually.

it was quite informative: found out that allan and i were involved in a scandal. that's the first ive heard of it. it was a dang dang dang DANG moment. i admit that i get along with him unusually well, but that's only attributed to the fact that he's so fun to talk to and make jokes with. he totally enables my quirkiness, which is always a good thing. at the end of the day, he's just my brother from another mother. plus, we're diverting from the real scandal. heh heh heh. just had to bring it up dude, sorry.

glad you got through them all, assuming you enjoyed it, go check out the rest on youtube. dream a little dream of me.