my my im blogging way too often. a post on thursday and today...hmm. these few days is just a stream of events. point form!
-last saturday was open house
-finally got a doggy
-today was national day celebrations for tomorrow
-tomorrow is study session with TJC homies
-monday is service learning
don't you just love point form? here's another thing you guys'''

SAJC's mascot's butt crack...i guess they didn't have his size...

mm beta and i. after multiple attempts, we have selfy number 18830847446r526.

nadia helped us take this picture, it was on the train. that's nadia's china studies in english classmates. there are 2 non-chinese people taking it. no comments (that'll get me in trouble).

beta's face being squeezed by mm's giant hand, betamon looks like she's enjoying it...ladies ass was in the way though.

me, the orange lighting at superdog(vivo) and i. mm looks good with the eye make up from the "fashion show" during national day celebrations. i look like im going to eat her with my fangs.

the stalker smile. mm's shot.

me: extra. being my usual creepy self. daryl: ejaculating. and having trouble with it.

urgh...what was i thinking. i look like her cheesy indian boyfriend. completely tasteless.

colour swatch: lightest to darkest. i add doom and gloom to the picture. yay underexposed me.

national day model. mm's supposed to be some anime thingy. complete with knee high socks. 2nd prize. Desiree kow towing to her...for obvious reasons.

mm, beta and i. selfy number 98347843876487365873. in the train station. where everybody could see us... and act only youth will permit. deep enough for you?

olympus nathan aka. ollie:D ollie's an Australian silky terrier.

ollie's 5 months old and uber cute. he's also smarter than my sister. he learnt how to sit within the course of 2 days which is more than i can say for her. of course this was all under my tutelage. ollie only looks like an innocent puppy but he's really monstrous wolf within. be afraid chee koh very afraid...
okay that's the end of today's picture post. you can continue on miss milkshakes blog if you like. posting up pictures is no fun for me at all. it takes so bloody fucking long.