normally i'd greet you, but i think its more rude if i don't. ooooh... im a rebel.
finally bought avenue Q tickets today with allan and MM at junction 8. it was the best 60 bucks i spent (educated assumptions). 60 bucks that only i could afford. aaaah... one of the many joys of saving like a Jew... i seem to be going out non-stop these few days. i think i may need a day all to myself (prepare some theme music for the holidays; 2 words: FRENCH JAZZ). irony is that deepavali is on monday. no fucking chance of that happening anytime soon. sigh...wish the canadian was here. monday's not going to be fun without her at all! urgh...more time with the family...?
if i ever have children, im going to home school them with the PhD i'll be getting. i decided that after today. it was an utter waste of time to go to school. chapel, break, OP/PW. on the slighty less dark side, i know my speech inside out now. i mean i've recited it 5000 fucking times (my sister being the audience for 4995 times), its an insult if i haven't memorised it yet.
right. i think i didn't give enough credit to the canon photomarathon. and im a person who strongly believes that credit should be given when credit is due (*ahem* PW *ahem*). the last time i didn't do it justice since i was tired. after all, it was another opportunity for camera whoring with allan (here's my ambitious 5 year plan: turn him gay for my own selfish glorious pleasures. muahahahaha. THE GLORY DERIVED FROM TURNING SOMEONE HOMOSEXUAL WOULD BE SUPERMEGAFUCKING AWESOME!!!). yeah no pictures with me though... i do, however, have heh heh eh heh...
finally bought avenue Q tickets today with allan and MM at junction 8. it was the best 60 bucks i spent (educated assumptions). 60 bucks that only i could afford. aaaah... one of the many joys of saving like a Jew... i seem to be going out non-stop these few days. i think i may need a day all to myself (prepare some theme music for the holidays; 2 words: FRENCH JAZZ). irony is that deepavali is on monday. no fucking chance of that happening anytime soon. sigh...wish the canadian was here. monday's not going to be fun without her at all! urgh...more time with the family...?
if i ever have children, im going to home school them with the PhD i'll be getting. i decided that after today. it was an utter waste of time to go to school. chapel, break, OP/PW. on the slighty less dark side, i know my speech inside out now. i mean i've recited it 5000 fucking times (my sister being the audience for 4995 times), its an insult if i haven't memorised it yet.
right. i think i didn't give enough credit to the canon photomarathon. and im a person who strongly believes that credit should be given when credit is due (*ahem* PW *ahem*). the last time i didn't do it justice since i was tired. after all, it was another opportunity for camera whoring with allan (here's my ambitious 5 year plan: turn him gay for my own selfish glorious pleasures. muahahahaha. THE GLORY DERIVED FROM TURNING SOMEONE HOMOSEXUAL WOULD BE SUPERMEGAFUCKING AWESOME!!!). yeah no pictures with me though... i do, however, have heh heh eh heh...
here's what two 17 year olds with mental capacity of 11 year olds do when they're bored, have a camera and an nasal inhaler and are set loose on the facilities of singapore's not-so-vibrant arts scene... know what i want baby...

and now... a themed photo essay by reckoner entitled "where do you want it?"

for all those who DON'T need to adorn themselves in linen and gold on this government granted prezzie in the form of a public holiday, FUCK YOU assholes! have a good wank and a happy public holiday cunts.
ps. sucks for you if you don't get to watch Avenue Q. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!