coke for the soul

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

death and all his friends

ni hao

for some explainable reason ive been feeling anxious, rash, insecure, heavy hearted, moody etc. just basically weird. im not sure if its the promos results next week or just one of my phases. it could just be pw. i really don't know. on sunday evening i went for a walk at 9 all by myself. bad idea. if you're depressed and having feelings of anxiety, its best not to be alone with your thoughts. i almost got run down by a car. i was crossing the road and i had to leap on to the side walk. he honked rudely although he was the one speeding (50km road). i flipped him off though im not sure he saw. i went to sit at the playground, but had to run for my life since it was a sunday and everyone knows sundays are fucking christmas for indian nationals and construction workers. i walked home feeling much worse, void of any feeling that may will me to wake up the next morning. it was a shitty state and im almost sure i would have been much better should have known the exact cause of it. decided to skip school on monday and contemplated bonking out in a vegetative state. exactly what i did.

human emotions eh? funny stuff, these things... imagine if we didn't have any or were immune to those of others. perfection in its own right. utopia, in my opinion. imagine what all the things we'd be able to do if we had nothing to feel. we'd leap of mountains and cliffs because of no fear. we'd be able to let go of ex-girlfriends and boyfriends. we'd speak our minds because no one is affected by our words. ah but then a whole new set of problems'd never feel the euphoria of jumping of the cliff, you'd never have a gf or bf in the first place and most importantly, you'd never feel passionate enough to speak up for something. humans are a perfect balance of imperfection. or rather, a balance of imbalance. if anyone has any idea what im going on about, please explain myself to me.

urgh, im so fucking moody and broody. i should set up an emo blog with metallica covers, skulls and a black background so that readers will get the "falling into a dark abyss" feel. if i have time later this week, i'll make a list...i'm thinking something like 5 reasons i hate singaporeans or 5 ways ive made people cry. im not in the mood to do it now, but feel free to choose... i'll accommodate since it been quite a while since i've done a proper entry.

oh fuck, i totally forgot to charge me ipod!!! AAAAAAARGH!!! what am i going to do if people actually start talking to me?? in public??? the horror... the horror!!! (typing is easy because you don't actually have to make the appropriate facial expressions and sounds while doing it. practically no energy required)

toodles arsewipes