coke for the soul

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

apocalypse please


its been the most boring day of my life, aside from the usual national day and deepavali. and because im cruel and bastardly, im going to share it with you guys. 2 hours of pw, 1 hour of break, 2 hours of pw, 1 hour of break and finally, 2 hours of pw. you can probably see why im a depressed piece of poop left to ferment in the gutters of chinatown. had photography after, but it was only an hour long before we all had to go home. boooring. daryl did his best to entertain, allan did his thing too, but i was too tired to engage in it. it was good seeing allan again though. and the rest too. oh how i long for those days when we had lectures and tutorials. okay maybe not...

-friday plans to play bball crushed because mm got stolen away from me by exco member duties. so we'll have saturday badminton only.

-i signed up for work attachment!!!! yay!!!! photography related of course... pays $5 an hour though im not sure what exactly im doing. when i heard the money part my hand immediately went up. im hard up for money. more precisely $1500. so i'll have to work for 300 hours. sigh... maybe i'll just cave and ask my dad for it...noooooo!!! what am i saying??? use your own efforts you spineless bitch.

-OP presentation thingy tomorrow. must go school.

-got to try Prozac or something. i need to stop being to melancholy and energy-less. its so unbecoming of me.

-borrow andy warhol's photograohy/art book and elizabeth gaskell's north and south from school library

-read anansi boys by neil gaiman

-get my hands on a copy of the bible and photocopy stuff out, particularly the book of daniel (i was sent into herniating shock when i found out that the school library does not keep a copy). hmm...i wonder if there's such a thing as an online bible...

-got math results back. hush hush. not supposed to tell anyone because it illegal to know before next week. i got a C for the paper, a D overall after calculating in common test. i know i know, fucking wasted!!! but i shouldn't ask for too much, it was a massive improvement and way above what i expected to get (seriously). next week i can finally tell dad that im getting retained.

now that the admin stuff is all done, don't you just hate singaporeans? don't be afraid to admit it...come on...they're really the most annoying type of people known to man and you know it. with no real culture (culture stolen from others doesn't count) and the butt of joke of globalisation's critics, we must surely see, if not acknowledge in the very least, that singaporeans are fucking annoying. while there are plenty of reasons why an apocalypse should descend upon the little island south of the malaysian peninsula, i am still hopeful that this list will be a public service in some way. so today, we have the promised list: 5 things singaporeans can do to stop pissing me off...seriously, please try it...

5. When crossing the road
  • Come to the realisation that pressing the button at the pedestrian crossing actually makes the difference as to whether or not the light changes.
  • Hitting it multiple times, on the other hand, will not make it change faster.
  • Also consider the possibility that one of the fifty people already standing there has hit the button before you. Wankers.

4. When entering a previously crowded place, such as lifts or the train

  • Wait for people to exit a lift before you start to walk in. There is no reason for us to fail to utilise our common sense. Or are your brains to fucking small to actually complete this task with ease.
  • How can you be surprised when the door opens and you walk straight into someone? Has this not happened before?
  • Neither do you get to "tut" anybody when you walk into them. It's rude and it makes you a very giant arse wipe.

3. When you notice a queue
  • It does not mean that you have to join it
  • What are you, sheep? Must you really spend the extensive time and intensive energy to queue for everything?
  • I mean come on, it fucking hello kitty for heaven's sake. japan must have been laughing their asses of when they found that their creepy little stuffed cat (probably invented as a sex toy too, oh you don't know these japanese...) was being queued for.
  • Logically stop yourself and you really need that demonic cat? or do you just want it because the rest of the world and expensive media advertising tells you that you want it?
2. When on the phone
  • Remember that technology has improved so vastly that you don't have to yell at your phone anymore. Surprise!
  • Seriously, when in fuckland have you been in? Do you really need to take the poor person on the receiving end's ear out?
  • Public transportation is for transport, just in case you didn't figure that out as well when you guys came out from under that rock. It is not for the rest of the world to know what you nasty things your auntie did to her ang moh boyfriend or for you to televise your husband's affair in hokkien vulgarities. Defaming personal relatives and exposing dirty laundry is not to be done in the MRT over the phone! Get it, cunt? Its more for your weblog...
1. When on public transportation
  • Remember that public transportation is for the *gasp* public. you do learn some valuable information from phantom limb...
  • Oh don't act like you don't know what im on about. You're probably one of those motherfuckers that sit in the aisle seat so as to dissuade anyone from sitting next to them. Is it really necessary? Are you that big of a ponce that you can't say "excuse me"...
  • Surprisingly not many singaporeans even say the word. they stare expectantly at you, like you're harry fucking potter and you're supposed to read their minds. What's even more detestable is saying just "excuse". and they don't say say it the normal way, they say it in that nauseatingly unpronounced, illegible singaporean way: "ek-use"
  • Some of them even put their bags on the seat. Every other seat is taken, some little old lady is trying to keep herself steady, the bus is packed, but your bag needs a seat all to itself??? Well, fuck you arseholes, fuck you...
  • On the other hand, all these would be perfectly understandable. If singaporeans just took showers regularly and stopped smelling like you barfed out digested cocaine joints, maybe you wouldn't find it so hard to get people to donate you a seat.

thats the end of the 5 impossibly irritating things, amongst a gazillion bazillian others, that singaporeans are manufactured to do. can we stop them? yes we can... come now, don't be so pessimistic... just give more PRs citizenship and singaporean status and allow more blue blooded (wahahahaha) singaporeans to migrate to the likes of austrailia and new zealand. just don't go to canada, i'll be there...

i'll be updating my results here next week yeah, so you can have a ball of a time mocking me... and sending me farewell gifts and shit...