what does this has to do with anything i say? how would i know. i can do whatever/whoever the fuck i fancy. its my blog. so there!
alright, now on to some real blog barf that really has nothing to do with the rest of the world. for those of you who know me, i wouldn't have to alert you to the fact that i spent this 3 day weekend doing absolutely nothing. absolutely nothing except stay in bed all day playing (mahjong) with myself. im pretty sure there's no real damage. but then again even if there is, i wouldn't know. haven't moved enough to find out. this weekend was awesome! i think my life's ambition may very well be doing as little as possible. maybe a quick run for US presidency may allow that to happen. what better way to spend your life than to be sitting on your arse with a bowl of honey stars in one hand and the detonater for one of iraq's women and children shelter in the other. aaah...what a life. man, ive got to get me some of that bush lifestyle. yup, my weekend was completely uneventful. mmm....just how i like them.
there's a ball sucking, cock screwing, arse fucking chemistry test on tuesday. 15 marks that may very well determine whether or not i get to see the likes of jc2 life. but right now that 15 marks can very well be shoved up my buddy, bush's ass. if i thought i should care, i would. but once again, i really don't (turns out didn't have to it anyway, since i spent the whole night studying the next day i just took a gtreenslip and went home, JOY). my youth is better spent playing mahjong and balancing dinner on my belly. yes fuckers i get the irony here, so shut it, only karma's humongous indian arse can judge me. its the last week of the term and i would like to spend it doing absolutely nothing. then ive got to start cramming 5 months worth of work into 3 weeks. just fantastic, fan-fucking-tastic.
i finally managed a short post. enjoy it while it lasts morons. for once my brain is empty except for the fact that i keep seeing green dragons everywhere (mahjong lingo). humdiggidy im going insane. oh crack pipe...wherefore are thou crack pipe...someone mentioned my blog's nc 16. yay! I AM NOT POLITICAL, more politically incorrect and i admit im racist. uncle fucking indians always know how to piss me off. so there, all matters addressed!
there's a ball sucking, cock screwing, arse fucking chemistry test on tuesday. 15 marks that may very well determine whether or not i get to see the likes of jc2 life. but right now that 15 marks can very well be shoved up my buddy, bush's ass. if i thought i should care, i would. but once again, i really don't (turns out didn't have to it anyway, since i spent the whole night studying the next day i just took a gtreenslip and went home, JOY). my youth is better spent playing mahjong and balancing dinner on my belly. yes fuckers i get the irony here, so shut it, only karma's humongous indian arse can judge me. its the last week of the term and i would like to spend it doing absolutely nothing. then ive got to start cramming 5 months worth of work into 3 weeks. just fantastic, fan-fucking-tastic.
i finally managed a short post. enjoy it while it lasts morons. for once my brain is empty except for the fact that i keep seeing green dragons everywhere (mahjong lingo). humdiggidy im going insane. oh crack pipe...wherefore are thou crack pipe...someone mentioned my blog's nc 16. yay! I AM NOT POLITICAL, more politically incorrect and i admit im racist. uncle fucking indians always know how to piss me off. so there, all matters addressed!