coke for the soul

Monday, May 26, 2008

map of the problematique


its the school holidays kiddies and its time for school! oh what joy. imagine my discourse when i learnt for the first time that i had to come back during the school holidays for school. a mini cyclone nagis went through my room. i was clearly unhappy. the holidays is a time for me to dig a hole in my bedroom floor and thank the forces for allowing me not to see my daily annoyances (don't pretend you don't know what im talking about). its a time where i go to the beach and allow the artificial waves at sentosa wash away my troubles. its a time when i ride my rusty bike and cycle to woodlands and back. its not enough that common tests come AFTER the holidays, they've made a hobby out of dragging me down to school through the cement pavements, kicking and screaming. makes me rethink my decision of going to a JC. since i hate school so much, why put yourself through 2 more. alas, i didn't always hate school. believe it or not there was time where i embraced the thought of going to school and seeing all my friends, getting highest in class, doing math and loving the fact that it was a monday. because on mondays there was chem lab practicals. mmm...titration always got me high (its possible it was the chemicals too). drip drip drip...(what? i never denied the fact that i was a geek.) and now look at the state im in. a constant failure and doing the "all alone in the world thing". screw life.

ive always been told that i have no people skills and that i was thoughtlessly frank. and ive always told myself that it was a good thing. it was better to be mercilessly frank than being a hypocrite. they told me the real world would ring my doorbell one day and mug me after punching me in the face. i said people can handle it, they're an evolved species fully fledged with opposable thumbs and an intricate mind. i refused to believe that people would really rather be lied to the face to than to actually hear other people's honest opinions. such was my faith in mankind. once again, they've disappointed me. clearly i was wrong. lately ive been doing some of that contemplating life thing. it seems the 7-stage evolution did nothing for our kind. truth be told, i think we've actually digressed. maybe, nobody wants to hear the truth. biologically we may have evolved, emotionally we're still like a thin sheet of glass tinkering on the edge of a cliff. and though i hate that the human race is like this, i have to live my life assuming that the people around me are fragile creatures who are still stuck sucking on their mummy's tits. screw life.

i stop myself every time i want to stab someone back to reality with my cut throat sarcasm. i stop myself every time i want to shake them back to the land of common sense where most of us live in. i try reminding myself they're still babies in diapers with annoying tendencies and probably have families/boyfriends that treat them like a princesses/princes. even though its incredibly condescending, it is my job to be understanding. and yes, EVEN though they're about the same age as me but act like ball sucking pre-schoolers without a single thought of their own, i have to hold my crap in and hope that it'll go away. after all, if i lose my temper at the poor, fragile, delicate (but fucking irritating) rose, guess who's the bitch who made the baby cry? guess who will go running to mummy with her thumb in her mouth. so, guess who checks her sarcasm and potty mouth at the school gate. guess who smiles painfully pretending to be a understanding and NICE participant. go on, guess. im letting myself be life's bitch this year. life's fucking me. i can't even look at my hypocritical self in the mirror anymore.

today a south indian garbage man whistled at me. so tomorrow, im bringing my "hardly been used" ball slicer down to the garbage collection hut. he thinks he can get away with it eh? well bastard, think again! muahahahaha. anyway, this is exactly why i can't stand indian foreigners. not only do they deplete all of saudi arabia's fine oil supply and empty it on their heads, they actually think that garbage collecting makes them fine and eligible bachelors that every woman wants. just because they let you into singapore to clean up my neighbourhood's crap, does not mean that your penis can go anywhere it pleases, horny fucker. clearly there had been some trauma. clearly...

hey guys, if you're going to read my blog, read all of the posts shit heads. AND i don't want to hear anymore mother fucking comments about my colourful language anymore. children who can't handle my swearing, should stick their head up their own arse where its nice, warm and fuzzy filled with FEELINGS and stuff. and if you're going to complain, bugger off. don't read my sodding blog morons. simple as that. there really are plenty of boring but nice blogs out there featuring trailing cursors (that's annoying by the way) with lots of pictures of bunny rabbits. read those. free speech is really a gift from the heavens. lets not stifle it.

i think im really pathetic. really hit rock bottom here: I MISS PEOPLE. my sister, my sec sch friends, my tjc friends, my FRIENDS. i suppose its the holiday season blues. otherwise, do you realise how uncomfortable and touchy feely it would be for ME to admit it??!! its really fucking ROCK BOTTOM. im going to go burn myself with some non-biodegradable fuel now. oh wait, i'll do that tomorrow. still have to polish and sharpen my ball slicer tonight. something has to cheer me up after a bad day right?