my 8G ipod nano finally arrived today! its ready for use but i don't want to use it until i get a cover for it. i tend to drop things. so until i pick up a case for my baby from vivo its not going to see the light of day. its pretty isn't it? i thank every chinese child that ever had a hand in assembling my ipod from the bottom of my heart.
pw pw pw. its the bane of my life. its a constant nag and source of the electric pain searing down my spinal cord. its a rather heavy workload even for five-minus-one people. survey and pilot studies have taken over my dreams and turned them into nightmares. honestly, who would ever want to do surveys about the disabled and partake in pilot study? we've got people dropping dead like flies in myanmar, africa, china and india (not that i care) and im doing surveys? great. my woes with pw do not just end there. it doesn't help that my group has one inactive member (not me cockers). i feel like like picking up the phone, calling her and giving her a good ol' fashioned yelling at, but thats not my job. the person who should be babysitting her at this age shouldn't exist. she's supposed to babysit herself. plus its really embarrassing for a grown teenager of 17 to be told off by her own peers. she's an adult and she has to start minding her own apple tree. doesn't really do anything for the group's dynamics either. she must start shoveling some of the crap that we've been dealt with or im going to have to take action (from the few times that ive been irate, ive made people cry).
recently ive taken a liking to watching lost season 4 and let me just tell you guys, highly recommended. i absolutely love and die for tv shows like lost and 24 and for the most part of heroes (lets face it season 2 was written by fucking morons with silicon tits for brains). its highly action packed, people keep unexpectedly dying, there's no distinctive good guy and none of that deep meaningful feelings and shit. lost is loaded with truckloads of conspiracy theories! at every corner there's a mind blowing revelation! now thats what i call mind fuckery. lost has the bone chilling goosebumps effect on me (as with heroes for a period of time until they ran out of ways to kill of main character, peter "im immortal because i absorbed my niece's regenerative powers so i can't die" peterelli). sitting in my little cradle chair with my lap top balanced on my knees, i rub those pimples down. that's when i know that its going to be a good show (pretty geeky, i know). if you lot ever get some spare time off, try getting your hands on the dvd or something. spend the week watching back to back episodes of lost and you'll get what im talking about. complete and utter mind fuckery type of high that you can never obtain from drugs, i tell you...
i was asked a very odd question today on msn. who's your favourite super hero? a question to which the answer is as clear as alice's looking glass! everybody loves fucking batman (just ask catwoman). no questions asked. hands down winner. spider man and wolverine may take a quick whiff at the oh-so-hot leather bat cape, but not even close guys. NOT EVEN CLOSE. batman saves the world solely relying on his acrobat skills (with the help of gadgets and that dick, robin). none of that chemical X bullshit (a reference to power puff girls=>shut it fat fucks). no need for fancy shmancy flying. ALL GADGETS! no super powers AND the quick witted use of gadgets. who doesn't love a man who can push all the right buttons? bat mobile instead of flying. throw in a cool car why don't you. uh hello? need i say more?! i think there probably was a point where they actually couldn't decide how to make him awesomer. its a bit like asking rocky road how to improve chocolate ice cream, you know? ah...the ultimate comic book hero...
i may give school a miss tomorrow. doesn't make sense to travel for 2 hrs and only have lessons for 1. plus i haven't done my econs essay. heh heh heh.
pw pw pw. its the bane of my life. its a constant nag and source of the electric pain searing down my spinal cord. its a rather heavy workload even for five-minus-one people. survey and pilot studies have taken over my dreams and turned them into nightmares. honestly, who would ever want to do surveys about the disabled and partake in pilot study? we've got people dropping dead like flies in myanmar, africa, china and india (not that i care) and im doing surveys? great. my woes with pw do not just end there. it doesn't help that my group has one inactive member (not me cockers). i feel like like picking up the phone, calling her and giving her a good ol' fashioned yelling at, but thats not my job. the person who should be babysitting her at this age shouldn't exist. she's supposed to babysit herself. plus its really embarrassing for a grown teenager of 17 to be told off by her own peers. she's an adult and she has to start minding her own apple tree. doesn't really do anything for the group's dynamics either. she must start shoveling some of the crap that we've been dealt with or im going to have to take action (from the few times that ive been irate, ive made people cry).
recently ive taken a liking to watching lost season 4 and let me just tell you guys, highly recommended. i absolutely love and die for tv shows like lost and 24 and for the most part of heroes (lets face it season 2 was written by fucking morons with silicon tits for brains). its highly action packed, people keep unexpectedly dying, there's no distinctive good guy and none of that deep meaningful feelings and shit. lost is loaded with truckloads of conspiracy theories! at every corner there's a mind blowing revelation! now thats what i call mind fuckery. lost has the bone chilling goosebumps effect on me (as with heroes for a period of time until they ran out of ways to kill of main character, peter "im immortal because i absorbed my niece's regenerative powers so i can't die" peterelli). sitting in my little cradle chair with my lap top balanced on my knees, i rub those pimples down. that's when i know that its going to be a good show (pretty geeky, i know). if you lot ever get some spare time off, try getting your hands on the dvd or something. spend the week watching back to back episodes of lost and you'll get what im talking about. complete and utter mind fuckery type of high that you can never obtain from drugs, i tell you...
i was asked a very odd question today on msn. who's your favourite super hero? a question to which the answer is as clear as alice's looking glass! everybody loves fucking batman (just ask catwoman). no questions asked. hands down winner. spider man and wolverine may take a quick whiff at the oh-so-hot leather bat cape, but not even close guys. NOT EVEN CLOSE. batman saves the world solely relying on his acrobat skills (with the help of gadgets and that dick, robin). none of that chemical X bullshit (a reference to power puff girls=>shut it fat fucks). no need for fancy shmancy flying. ALL GADGETS! no super powers AND the quick witted use of gadgets. who doesn't love a man who can push all the right buttons? bat mobile instead of flying. throw in a cool car why don't you. uh hello? need i say more?! i think there probably was a point where they actually couldn't decide how to make him awesomer. its a bit like asking rocky road how to improve chocolate ice cream, you know? ah...the ultimate comic book hero...
i may give school a miss tomorrow. doesn't make sense to travel for 2 hrs and only have lessons for 1. plus i haven't done my econs essay. heh heh heh.