coke for the soul

Sunday, May 11, 2008

good times gonna come


it seems because im such a technical noob, this is the first time im blogging...i was under the impression that blogging was verbal diarrhea (loose, watery, and frequent stool), recounting every itsy bitsy detail of our long long LONG lives. i shan't change my perceptions. it is. however for one who finds himself with nothing to do on friday nights and yet still looks forward to them, blogging is much needed therapy... it gives the illusion of having a social life, an inkling of company from trekkers of cyberspace and lurkers of the internet.

here's a "brief" summary of my wonderful, exciting and colourful life:
refer to me as nandhini. i used to skip to crescent girl's school but now i wake up and drag myself to satan's butthole/anus [aka sajc(pun intended)] every morning except on days that the government's forced to give allowances on. im atheist [but hindhu during exams heh heh heh] i swear like a drunken sailor and have an EQ that of a child's, my IQ is better left unknown for fear of suicidal attempts on my part. i don't comb my hair often for fear that the comb will break. commute to school looking forward to the bus ride back.

im incredibly opiniated. in my opinion (just to prove a point) more people should speak their minds instead of giving yourself a stress induced hernia. i never get what's the big deal (even though its been explained to me dozen times). just say what you think and feel. trust me its the sort of liberation you'll never find in christianity or drugs for that matter. it makes you a guilt-free and better person. i can't guarantee any karma points or backstage pass into heaven but it will definitely give you a perverse pleasure, like going down one notch on the belt or squeezing a pus-filled pimple (not recommended by the way)

i also remind myself everyday that my charming disposition and colourful personality is merely misunderstood. helps me sleep at night and wake up the next morning. constantly have a radiohead or aqualung song ringing in my ear, it masks the other unidentifiable little voice that tells me to bomb mrt trains and slaughter my peers. i start my sentences with "i" not because im self centred(okay maybe a little, but no more than everyone else), but because i got a b3 for english so my sentence structure quota is quite limited. i take morbid pleasure in watching horror flicks and enjoy sick humour. only types of movies i watch, basically.

i think i've gone a little too far with my self description so im going to stop here. but not before i plead with you guys out there to GIVE me something to blog about.