coke for the soul

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

on a day like today

studying for promos is a pain in the ass. i hope that ponning school on Wednesday and Thursday is fucking worth it because if i get retained even after "working so hard" (i use this tern loosely, working itself is an unusual phenomenon for me) im going to be groveling at my papa's feet. send me to Canada/Australia DADDYYYYYYY!!!!! it will not be a pretty sight, take my word for it. but if i do, by miraculous and divine (again i use this term as loosely as my granny's fanny) intervention....... i promise i'll party my butt off. yeah, that seems more realistic.

im not particularly stressed (i doubt the Nandictionary knows the meaning of this word), but i am fucking worried. in reality, my genes are sadly laced with a multitude of retainees. very few people in my family who enter JC have managed to find a lapse in a system to get themselves promoted (just 1. quite sad actually). they're all haunting me in one way or another. i really wish to be the almost anomalous second. well to say the very least, im a bag of worries. im usually a dead log while sleeping, but these days ive been having insomnia. i went to bed at 12.30, fell asleep at 4.30, woke up at 6, went to school. im fueled by green tea. hopefully until 10pm. okay...maybe just a wee bit earlier...9 pm maybe.

well, i studied until 12.30 and then hit the sack. you may ask (*snort* as if) what i was doing from 12.30 to 4.30 (AM).

i was awake but i was dreaming. "Conscious Dreaming" (one more to add on to the Nandictionary). my CDs were incredibly weird. all the guys ive ever had a crush on and me...flying. in my dreams, im weightless. clearly the only place where this is possible... and then it lapses into this dream where i swimming in a pool...the pool opens out into the ocean...the ocean suddenly becomes a race track and im fucking usain bolt. did i mention i was naked while doing this? well clearly it was a dream...i mean weightless AND athletic??? my subconscious loves lying to me. then there's always the 3/15 econs test that manages to squeeze itself in somewhere.

sigh sigh sigh. in conclusion, i was unable to make myself viable glorious oxygen carrying red blood cells(think ive mentioned them before). i never appreciated them as much until today. my usual rosy pink glow (fine, brown if you insist on mocking me) was gone. even my classmates told me i looked like crap... in a nice way...well if there ever was a 'nice' way to say one looks like crap. where was i...? righto...basically, i was in an extremely weird state.

sacha baron cohen(hot brit actor) = borat(misogynist, anti semitic, maybe gay reporter) = bruno (german gay reporter) = Ali G(white rapper trying to do the black thing). right... so the videos are ancient, but lets hand it to the man for creating classic humour. you'll shit your pants. go watch the other videos too yeah. note: mormons are a subset of...yes, you guessed it...christianity.

good luck and...shit for those taking your exams around this time. don't do better than me so i can get promoted. you can do as badly as me if you want...but not better... yes yes, im a selfish bitch. took you long enough...