first promo paper: GP. i did question 12, the last one, like most people. when i found out a lot of people in my class did it, i felt very less special. heh heh heh. i pride myself in being the type who usually likes to do the weird questions that nobody else ever goes near. im waiting for science and religion. until them mediocre questions and essays for me.
evaluate the claim that censorship hinders more than it helps.
i think i made a mistake. i had 2 arguments, 1 counter argument, 1 solution. do you see the error? the solution should be in the conclusion. the rebuttal should come immediately after the counter argument. i didn't do a rebuttal at all. yeah i shit my pants after that revelation. it came to me during my afternoon nap. im trying to console myself: the question didn't actually ask me to agree/disagree/take a stand. i was literally evaluating it. i don't know la. could go either way.
argument 1: censorship is good. controls how people are swayed as we're all numb nuts who just absorb what we told. anwar ibrahim example.
argument 2: censorship is fucking good. media can sway people away from nationalistic goals. singapore, usa's bush admin example.
counter argument: democracy, free speech, political liberation through unrestrained media etc etc etc. zimbabwe, bobby mugabe example.
solution: i literally sold my soul to the "A for GP" Devil on this one. aim for a perfect mix of the 2. censorship + free press= self censorship. the perfect equation to aim for. singapore's non-existent free press and national day rally speech example.
gosh i sound like such a goody two shoes prude. my actual stand is really different. liberation and political freedom. AMEN! HALLELUJAH! YEAH! i should be able to blow the cover on christianity anytime i want, anywhere i want. i should be able to criticise the government without being polite and hypocritical. i want to watch little britain's bubbles sketch in television and not in the tiny window in youtube. i want to see borat hump his buddy on the couch. it isn't funny or creative otherwise... i know i know, im actually really cynical but hello?! bubbles sketch on flat screen tv? am i so very horrible to want my opinions to be splashed across anywhere i please? so back to GP: i don't think i could have come up with the (missing) rebuttal on the spot even if i remembered to. is there really nothing im good at after all?