coke for the soul

Saturday, September 6, 2008

the denial twist

i don't want to talk about how the studying has been going. today is going to be a fully music post that takes me away from those suicidal thoughts that haunt me in my dreams (me in a poofy skirt running/floating away from all the guys i've ever had a crush on. they all plan to give me paper cuts from my econs test which they somehow managed to get a hold of. so scared to even close my eyes...).

i really love bjork. i love her creativity. her music videos are even more wicked. they're so...other worldly. this one that features her as a robot. 2 robots in fact. now, guys you're going to love this. the 2 robots are making out. hell, even i was a little turned on. oh come on... don't judge me. any sci-fi geek, regardless of sex, would enjoy this. truly. im not fucking you...

bjork, all is full of love.

one of my longstanding fetishes includes the chemical brothers. its technorock i think (allan, you may like this). the chemical brothers are totally my kind of head banging goodness. there's a bit of rap in there. usually i'd get apprehensive and exasperated, but its the first time that i've seen rap put to good use (aside from scaring door to door salesmen away). complements each other. MA FINGER IS ON THE BUTTON.

the chemical brothers, galvanize

the next one's by the chemical brothers as well. crazy shit man. really psychotic and mind fuckery. MM you'd totally dig this. a mix and mash of beeps, bobs and some ringalingadings. i think we can sort of tell that im super hot for the chemical brothers. its really orgasmic la, cannot take it. this video would probably make you (alright, maybe just me) want to sit in the dark, smoke some of you old stash and bang your head rhythmically up and down. AAAAAAAH makes me go nuts. psychotic thriller video with psychedelic head banging fucking good music. the best chemical combination by the THE CHEMICAL BROTHERS!!! AAARGH!!! i moving in between you...can you feel me in between you...i moving in between you...can you feel me in between you...

the chemical brothers, believe

we have ok go next. at first, the video looks like 4 nerds from the science club making a video for a really rad song while experimenting with their dad's video camera. alas, the 4 nerdy guys in the video are part of the band. they sang the song, choreographed the dance and filmed it in their garage. it wasn't their dad's video camera, it was one of their sister's.

ok go, here it goes again

a little bit of gay, a little bit rock and a whole lot of psychedelic. kasabian's not really known for knock out videos. but this...this is something else. makes you want to get out your pipe and have wild sex to this. seriously, the video is full throttle funk.

kasabian, shoot the runner

Shoot The Runner - Kasabian

what's a music list without some acid jazz? jamiroquai here is the very epitome of funk and belonged to the 90s acid jazz movement. come come, let your suppressed psychedelic come out. nothing to be shy about. there's 2 since their video's are generally quite funkadelic (im tired of spelling funk and psychedelic). the first one's adorable. just plain happy flappy cuteness. the second is simply fun to watch. jason kay sliding about in a top hat. ooh la la.

jamiroquai, 1. (don't) give hate a chance 2. virtual insanity

Dont Give Hate A Chance - Jamiroquai

Virtual Insanity - Jamiroquai

cheerio. next time i'll post something up from little britain again. or maybe some other funny thing. now everybody let's tell me to get my ass back to studying. 1, 2, 3... ah phooey, im talking to a computer. i need help...but we already knew that...