i woke up at 1.40pm today. heh heh heh been a long time since i did that. i have a few more days to enjoy this before EoM. yesterday mm, beta and i went out. the last time was for mm's birthday and this time its beta's (belated) birthday. i have to wait for next year for my turn T_T. her birthday was right before the promos and neither of us felt rebellious enough to defy the promos sutra. so yesterday we went to Max Brenner's Chocolate Bar. i think its obvious who suggested it. it was all things chocolate so you can guess how delirious i went when i saw the menu. mm was apprehensive because it seemed too pish posh and left all the ordering and responsibilities to me. twerp. its really fun when the 3 of us go out. the conversation never stops and in fact there's always too much to say. 4 hours isn't even nearly enough.
i met mm at habourfront station at 6. then we went to vivo's daiso to buy ollie's new dog leash because the little demon just mutilated the expensive ones that came with him. then we went down to (shop name that i can't remember) to get me a new wallet. it doesn't really suit me because its white with heavenly gold stars on it. its supposed to be black with devilish silver skulls on it (at least that's how emo beta expected it to be). after that we went to denki to look at SLR camera prices. im at least 8 months away from it. it should be about 1.8k. even with deepavali i won't make it. maybe for my 18th birthday... then we went to subway to eat dinner. the subway lady gave me jalepeno pepper even though i said i didn't want any. numb nut. then mm and i discussed our siblings...i really really want to meet twinnie now.
we were late to go meet betamon. but then again its betamon la... if you look close enough, you'd see a fucking halo. we took the citylink and went to suntec before realising that we were supposed to go to esplanade. quite blur mah...we looked for the chocolate bar and found it on level 1. we sort of hovered outside for a few minutes, went to the place next door, hovered some more...and then finally got seated. when the waiters took our orders i was quite shocked, he didn't write anything down and came back relatively quickly with a perfect order.
MM really wanted the fondue, so we got her her fondue. came with strawberries, bananas, marshmallows and cake cubes. i felt that it should have had more berries and fruit. the cake cubes were nice but it was a little too sweet with the chocolate. the chocolate came in two types, dark and milk...but we only realised that after we finished it. i thought the dark chocolate was dark because it have been sitting on the fire a tad longer than the milk chocolate had been. beta and i debated whether or not there was caffeine in chocolate, mainly because she insisted we wouldn't be able to go to sleep. beta got a Neapolitan chocolate cheese cake with fruit. and i got the Belgian waffle with pomegranate and cherry sauce (that resembles menstrual discharge. tasted good though). on top of that we got 2 pots of tea, mango and chamomile. i personally thought the mango was better. went well with all the chocolate.
you know you love them, pictures pictures pictures...
fat kid alert!!! i caused that chocolate stain on her mouth. heh heh heh. i got it there by feeding her of course, whatever are you thinking??
how to feed your partner chocolate dipped delectables 101
after paying for our meal and finishing our tea we left. it was going to be 10 and MM had a curfew. so we decided to stroll to the merlion place and just talk (we're girls and that's what girls do...talk excessively:D). we talked about the usual stuff la, religion etc etc. however, yesterday was different: drum roll please... we talked about beta's lovelife. granted it was non-existent, but still...mm and i always got a lot to say on the matter. only betamon hasn't had anything to share. it seems, much to the annoyance of mm and i, that beta compartmentalises her life. meaning she's been keeping her outside friends (us), church life, classmates, photography friends, family and personal life all separate. she's a demon robot la, mm and i were apparently in a dusty drawer in her life. on the other hand, i think we were able to disintegrate these "compartments" slightly. mm and i felt like we just accomplished building rome. we managed to establish what miss betamon looks for in her boyfriend. yay!!!! it was like crossing a milestone. we sat on the steps near the merlion and listened to beta's church soap opera stories and her somewhat clinical and logical views on life. nonetheless, it was interesting...
after eating and talking we were ready to go home when we say mm's and allan's mutual friend. it turns out allan was in the area as well. surprise!! we were going to pretend like we just happened to bump into him and make it look like he was stalking us. plan FAILED. it ended up just being awkward and stuff. he was freaking out and squirming like a girl. that pussy. his expression was priceless though: shocked/confused/scared/frightened/WTF?? he kept asking why we were there (like we were haunting him or something BWAHAHAHAHA). after all, it couldn't possibly be a coincidence right?
allan: why are you here??????????
me: what the hell? we can't possibly be out and about?
allan: its 11.15 at the esplanade!!!!!!
me: you're here too!!!
yeah actually it was a bit weird la, to see him that late at the esplanade. nobody really goes there in the middle of the night after all. coincidences are weird. met his friends and then we walked back to the station together (kept insulting each other as always). took the train with beta and allan's friend, joey. she's so nice that its a miracle allan knows her. sigh...what has the world come to? all in all yesterday was really quite fun with mm and beta. made me forget all about my promos blues, retaining, pw etc etc etc. we even came up with a system for the 3 of us: every last friday of the month, we'll each take turns to come up with a interesting place to eat, have fun and goof off. since i came up with the chocolate bar i get to skip this turn. yay! i reckon we'd get to see half of singapore by the end of next year. we're just awesome la...admit it. don't you wish you were us fuckers??
allan: why are you here??????????
me: what the hell? we can't possibly be out and about?
allan: its 11.15 at the esplanade!!!!!!
me: you're here too!!!
yeah actually it was a bit weird la, to see him that late at the esplanade. nobody really goes there in the middle of the night after all. coincidences are weird. met his friends and then we walked back to the station together (kept insulting each other as always). took the train with beta and allan's friend, joey. she's so nice that its a miracle allan knows her. sigh...what has the world come to? all in all yesterday was really quite fun with mm and beta. made me forget all about my promos blues, retaining, pw etc etc etc. we even came up with a system for the 3 of us: every last friday of the month, we'll each take turns to come up with a interesting place to eat, have fun and goof off. since i came up with the chocolate bar i get to skip this turn. yay! i reckon we'd get to see half of singapore by the end of next year. we're just awesome la...admit it. don't you wish you were us fuckers??