coke for the soul

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


well hello there

i did the most asinine thing. i thought i was just soooo smart and techno savvy that i went and got myself excited that i knew how to set up a blog. damn it, i publicised phantom limb's url on my msn personal message and now i can't bitch about anyone. i don't even know who views my blog and i can't make any personal jabs, references and/or attacks. grrr. the pains of having a public blog. grr grr. maybe i'll change the url... hmm... any suggestions? i really like the current one though, so ME...

anyway... here's one reason it sucks to be indian and why we would be at nuclear war with them if ever i became prime minister. 5 minutes ago i got a phone call from a random (no douchebag, we're not ALL related) indian man. twice. the first time my sister picked up.

suha: hello?
man: hello.
suha: hello?
man: hello
suha: hello?
man: hello.
suha: hello?
man: hello
suha: hello?
man: hello.
suha: hello?
man: hello
suha: huh?
man: *hangs up*

suha (to me): WAH SO RUDE...
me: next time just go "WAD? WAD U WAN?"
suha: *laughs*
phone: *rings*
me: go take...
suha: haaaaaaah
me: tze. go take la...

suha: hello?
man: hello.
suha: hello?
man: hello
suha: hello?
man: hello.
suha: hello?
man: hello

suha: *looks at me quite desperately*
me: haaaaiyaaaah.

me: hello
man: hello
me: WAD??!!
suha (background): AHAHAHAHAHAHA
man: hello what is you name? (tamil)
me: you called my house and you ask me what my name is? what is your name?! (tamil)
man: my name is Baat
me: i think you have the wrong number...
man: yes i know (tamil)
me: you know you have the wrong number?
man: yes i know. caaaandhweeeebfwens?
me: HAH?
man: caaaandhweeeebfwens?
me: WAD?
man: caaaandhweeeebfwens?
me: WAD?
man: caaaandhweeeebfwens?
me: WAD?
man: caaaandhweeeebfwens?
me: WAD?
man: caaaandhweeeebfwens?
me: WAD?
man: caaaandhweeeebfwens?
me: WAD?
man: caaaandhweeeebfwens?
me: WAD?
man: caaaandhweeeebfwens?
me: WAD?
man: are you doing this on purpose? (tamil)
me: i really can't hear you. can you speak up?
man: caaaandhweeeebfwens?
me: HAH?
man: caaaandhweeeebfwens?
me: did you just ask me- can we be friends?
man: yahs
me: NO WE CAN'T BE FRIENDS WEIRDO! *slams phone down*


this is why men from india are not to be reckoned with. all weirdos and wankers. got handphone only, now big shot la? so scary... imagine if it that happened to me face to face. i'd just scream and run like a little girl. and people ask me what's my problem with indians...

on the other hand, what if he really wanted to be friends? damn... should have asked him over to my house for a belated deepavali feast... what if he mistakens me for a hostile singaporean that doesn't want him in the country??? weeeeeell, that wouldn't be sooooo bad now, would it..?