AHA! finally got my old 5kg laptop back and i've never been happier. my one week internet-free hiatus has made me realise just how much the internet means to me. guess what i've been up to... well i think the playlist explains a lot BUT i've got new indie bands arses to bury myself in. boy does it smell wonderfull. im toying with the idea of turning this blog into a music blog OR starting a new one. then again, that would just be suicide. i should be studying for MSA and something called A lvls. what the hell am i thinking. there i talked myself out of it... maybe after A's i'll start my career to being an internet celebrity. urgh! how do some people manage 3 blogs.
right i did promise pictures somewhere along the stream of posts. avenue Q pictures, though not many, are coming up. AND pictures my new haircut which i got on saturday. can i just say that my hair grows faster than the human-spider thing from that human-spider horror movie. oh you know, the one where this smart aleck genius scientist experiments with a baby and spider genes and the boy fully matures (including sexually) in a matter of weeks at which point he starts to hunt for a mate aka. nearest female availible? no? well then. my hair's twice its length from saturday. a tad frightening.
evryone's busy with something or rather. work, comfy vacations to ang-moh land, going out with long lost friends etc. i shall soon start studying. hopefully the work thing will start soon. for some unfathomable reason my money is disappearing and my SLR fund is diminishing to a mere 800 buckaroos. and all i did was go for a stinkin' play. a tip to those of you having fun: don't. you'll soon see your savings crumble before you like an apple strudel. every outing is a mini tsunami.
"let's go study, nandhini" actually means let's spend the whole day at the library's cafe spending 8 bucks on bloody mikshakes.
"let's watch a movie, nan" actually doubles up as a cheap excuse to eat $8 popcorn and pig out after as well.
"wanna go play badminton dude?" really means a 3 hour lunch date and an hour of actual exercise.
take my advice, those little suggestions are really just money-sucking vortexes under the pretense of productive time-spending. and if you were a naive little scallywag like me thinking "money can be easily earnt" well that's only if you HAVE A JOB. sigh...
so here comes avenue Q photos. mm wore a dress *gasp* i wore a dress too *GASP*
and NOW, for my haircut.
it's not really a bad hair cut for me. it takes 5 minutes for it to dry which is all i really ask for. it behaves well enough. AND more imporatantly, i don't look like an aunty. kit and my dad says it looks cute-.-''' i'd say it looks more like a refuge for stray hungry birds. my maid laughed. my sister had a ruffle. my gran says its suitable for a studying student as there is less fuss. i think im going to keep this hairstyle for a while so its better to get it over with. i hereby grant you permission to make jokes about my hair. better than patronising me by saying "good good you don't need spend money on a perm." this isn't the 1980s to be happy about not needing a fucking perm guys. if christ compels you to say something, at least do me a favour and make a joke about it.
toodles cyberstalkers.
toodles cyberstalkers.