coke for the soul

Thursday, November 6, 2008

love is noise

okay this i damn frustrating. my favourite bands just released new CDs and i have no money (aside from my SLR fund which is self-declared as UNTOUCHABLE) to spend on them. beta!!! teach me how to download that thingy again...

i realise that when i get new friends, i tend to ignore old ones. when i get a new family, i ignore the old one. when i get new stuff, i ignore the old one. which also means if i ever have children i have to stop at 1 child and if i want a dog i can't have the child. conclusion, im going to be childless... random. anyway, i know its super mean, but is it cold to need change in my life? i'll be so bored with the same things and people all the time, everyday.

when i had lots of things going on, i didn't even think of any of them at all. now have time to think, feel and let my thoughts settle. so when i have space for them back in my mind , i finally miss them. i promised i will and now i do. the next time, i forget you guys and push any off you off of my radar, its just my nature and need for change, space and time... just understand it and don't stop calling me up in the middle of the night and talking for hours. don't strike me off your list. just bear with it and i'll come back to missing you guys soon okay?

that was so fucking poetic and deep (nothing to do with my non-existent boyfriend by the way) that i had to add that little britain season 4 aka. litttle britain USA is airing in the states and the kingdom. i knew for quite some time, but im a selfish indie snob. get with the proggramme. heh heh heh. go watch go watch. they have some new sketches revamped with american typecasts and new settings.

AND i realise i like some of my classmates alot now. they're awesome to bitch/talk with/to. with some ultimate bitching sessions under our belts, i think i'll put an effort into liking the rest and getting along with all of them now... bitching totally bonds people. its the universal sign of peace and love amidst war. you can totally imagine stalin and winston having a bitchfest over that skank, hitler.