coke for the soul

Friday, November 14, 2008


hey avenue q was great. for me at least. mm didn't quite fancy it as much as allan and i did. let's just say it's sesame street for adults. you could really learn a lot about life from it eg, coming out of the closet (*cough cough* allan *cough cough*). didn't take much pictures. the ones we did will be up as soon as i get a crane to lift me out of bed. im serious, that's how fat i've gotten in 2/3 weeks. at least it feels that way. as soon as the weather clears im going to step out of the house for some fresh air and activities that requires me to move. beach, badminton, bathing(im trying to aim for once in 2 days, but sometimes the mood to shower escapes me), basketball (if mm can get around to teaching me) etc. oh how i love the holidays where you can just sit around listening to oasis's new album "dig out your soul" which would make any kid a wonderful christmas present. see how i did that... i just slipped it in. i better remember to study amidst all the fun ive been having. don't think the stuff i learnt up (which is just enough to get me 35 rank points) for promos stuck at all. my computer's PMSing more than the ol' hag which majorly sucks balls. that is also one of the reasons i haven't paragraphed yet. the fucking enter button does not work. dammit. COCK. its so frustratng to have a peice of shit i place of a computer. so whether YOU read this mess or not is the least of my problems. dammit without paragraphing i sound so random and completely incompetent at narrative writing. you know what? im not even going try to continue. and that sucks for you because i had this whole ranty, angsty, cynical, well-researched post (oh don't pretend you don't love reading them) planned about people who think they're perfect and take it upon themselves to fix other people according to their own ideals. urgh! FUCK IT! and you know what going to suck even more for you? im going to turn this into a blob of rainbow skittles-like vomit just so that YOU'D get pissed of reading it. MUAHAHAHAHAHA! and now that you read all the way through, you can't undo the damage done to your eyes, brain and the time you could have spent doing other more productive things. GYAHAHAHAHAHA! im so eeeeevil. im an insane woman with a vengence to fulfil against fucked up technology. well, let's see what you become when technology finally turns on you! MYAHAHAHAGYAHAHAHMUAHAHAHA! I AM SUCH AN ARSEHOLE! WEEEEEEEEEE! well guess what? you an arseWIPE! so wipe the crap off of me! HEH HEH HEH HEH! oh shit, i just realised you can just highlight the whole thing and read it if you really wanted. damn. let's hope you just realised that too.