put that bible or that trashy novel aside for one second and pick up a real book (not all reading materials are romantic comedies in a book or tabloid gossip fuckers). here's one for starters: lord of the flies. its insanely brilliant. and im not the first to think so. its a satirical look at human nature in very honest and raw form. its by william golding and he was one genius bloke if you ask me. it has been used as a secondary school literature novel for eons. that said, its nothing like your idealistic joy luck club with chinese ladies playing mahjong every week or so and everything being a metaphor or symbolic in some way. (honestly, the book was and will always be a nightmare to get through. it had so many bloody stereotypes to get through before you get to the actual crap that she's hinting at. amy tan should burn in hell before she can write anymore of her pompous fucking bull shit unfit to even be loo roll. too harsh? well, you try getting through 2 years of analysing that horse piss and get back to me.)
okay, back to lord of the flies. it really is a bloody good read. here's a quick synopsis for you all to gauge at how fanfuckingtasting it is:
i think the book looks at a lot of underlying assumptions made by the modern society and human race. also highlights and brings out the snobbery we surround ourselves in hoping to heighten ourselves to a position untouched by others. in a world where politics have reached our playgrounds and societal stratification penetrates classrooms, the book brings out the moral and social superiority that we beings sometimes hide ourselves in. could really learn a lesson from here. there are loads of key themes that apply to the modern society today. they are all brought out by golding such that only reading it will emphasise them well enough. so calling all bimbos and air headed organism fuckers out there, stop by a library (its a place that lends out books for free. i know! marvelous isn't it?) and pick it up for a good read. might widen your narrow minded, one tracked horizons a little (can't promise overnighters shit heads, sorry). but if you actually understand what the book is getting at, it will be an epiphany, i assure you.
so while im at home for the holidays, i like to download music illegally and then re-distribute it shamelessly to all my friends (oopsie). it also an opportunity to unearth new bands. ive also downloaded ALL albums by the smiths, the verve, keane etc. the list never ends. ive fallen in love with them all once again. there's nothing like rediscovering an ancient band that you used to love and forgot all about with the onslaught of new finds everyday. its when you finally hear their songs again that you truly appreciate them. its like a soft rumbling in the dust corners of your mind. its a comforting familiar feeling that holds memories from a distant past and reconnects you with them. i think that your right brain actually makes these links, like capturing a moment within a tune, taste, sight, aroma or feeling (no idiots, as wondrous as this is, im not making this up). i once read somewhere that the sound of running water calms a bawling baby because its reminded of its mummy's womb and the amniotic fluid sloshing about in there. aaaw? nope, more like eeew i think. our brains sometimes prove to be brilliant organs don't they? don't let them go to waste you ingrateful fuckers. thank your mummy and daddy (no not god, he's only good for scaring little children into behaving themselves and washing feet) for giving you your very own demon to control and dictate like the controller for your Xbox. use it wisely folks.
on a slightly more ramdom note, i find it obnoxious when people always assume im always talking about jesus christ whenever i mention (fine, mercilessly criticise) "god". a little presumptuous don't you think morons? in case you didn't know, Allah, Hercules, Brahma etc. are all considered "gods" you know... hey even Satan, Hitler, Stalin have been and are still considered "gods". i should have you know, people pray to more than one imaginary pal for their life's little petty gains. its inaccurate, and down right ignorant, to say that im insensitive and wrong about christ. i could very well be talking about my own little made up higher being whose boots i want to lick. HAH so there!
i think this may be the last post for the holiday (unless i really have something im dying to say). that said:
-to all those whose subjects are ungraded because the government and schools say we don't know enough to be given a grade so that they can dictate every portion of our lives (manage to get that in one breath, did you?): do your best to memorise the syllabus and conform to the education system (did mention i am still sore about my ever so ungraded math?).
-to those who are looking for a book to read: lord of the flies!
-to all those unhappy about my posts: up yours, twice over.
on a final note, the world's a lonely lonely place and we all need a home to seek comfort and solace in. you shan't find it here mate, so look else where. muahahaha...i missed these outbursts...didn't you?
okay, back to lord of the flies. it really is a bloody good read. here's a quick synopsis for you all to gauge at how fanfuckingtasting it is:
In Lord of the Flies, British schoolboys are stranded on a tropical island. In an attempt to recreate the culture they left behind, they elect Ralph to lead, with the intellectual Piggy as counselor. But Jack wants to lead, too, and one-by-one, he lures the boys from civility and reason to the savage survivalism of primeval hunters. In Lord of the Flies, William Golding gives us a glimpse of the savagery that underlies even the most civilized human beings. cliffnotes.com
i think the book looks at a lot of underlying assumptions made by the modern society and human race. also highlights and brings out the snobbery we surround ourselves in hoping to heighten ourselves to a position untouched by others. in a world where politics have reached our playgrounds and societal stratification penetrates classrooms, the book brings out the moral and social superiority that we beings sometimes hide ourselves in. could really learn a lesson from here. there are loads of key themes that apply to the modern society today. they are all brought out by golding such that only reading it will emphasise them well enough. so calling all bimbos and air headed organism fuckers out there, stop by a library (its a place that lends out books for free. i know! marvelous isn't it?) and pick it up for a good read. might widen your narrow minded, one tracked horizons a little (can't promise overnighters shit heads, sorry). but if you actually understand what the book is getting at, it will be an epiphany, i assure you.
so while im at home for the holidays, i like to download music illegally and then re-distribute it shamelessly to all my friends (oopsie). it also an opportunity to unearth new bands. ive also downloaded ALL albums by the smiths, the verve, keane etc. the list never ends. ive fallen in love with them all once again. there's nothing like rediscovering an ancient band that you used to love and forgot all about with the onslaught of new finds everyday. its when you finally hear their songs again that you truly appreciate them. its like a soft rumbling in the dust corners of your mind. its a comforting familiar feeling that holds memories from a distant past and reconnects you with them. i think that your right brain actually makes these links, like capturing a moment within a tune, taste, sight, aroma or feeling (no idiots, as wondrous as this is, im not making this up). i once read somewhere that the sound of running water calms a bawling baby because its reminded of its mummy's womb and the amniotic fluid sloshing about in there. aaaw? nope, more like eeew i think. our brains sometimes prove to be brilliant organs don't they? don't let them go to waste you ingrateful fuckers. thank your mummy and daddy (no not god, he's only good for scaring little children into behaving themselves and washing feet) for giving you your very own demon to control and dictate like the controller for your Xbox. use it wisely folks.
on a slightly more ramdom note, i find it obnoxious when people always assume im always talking about jesus christ whenever i mention (fine, mercilessly criticise) "god". a little presumptuous don't you think morons? in case you didn't know, Allah, Hercules, Brahma etc. are all considered "gods" you know... hey even Satan, Hitler, Stalin have been and are still considered "gods". i should have you know, people pray to more than one imaginary pal for their life's little petty gains. its inaccurate, and down right ignorant, to say that im insensitive and wrong about christ. i could very well be talking about my own little made up higher being whose boots i want to lick. HAH so there!
i think this may be the last post for the holiday (unless i really have something im dying to say). that said:
-to all those whose subjects are ungraded because the government and schools say we don't know enough to be given a grade so that they can dictate every portion of our lives (manage to get that in one breath, did you?): do your best to memorise the syllabus and conform to the education system (did mention i am still sore about my ever so ungraded math?).
-to those who are looking for a book to read: lord of the flies!
-to all those unhappy about my posts: up yours, twice over.
on a final note, the world's a lonely lonely place and we all need a home to seek comfort and solace in. you shan't find it here mate, so look else where. muahahaha...i missed these outbursts...didn't you?