coke for the soul

Friday, June 27, 2008

the importance of being idle

welcome one and all

the last post was a bit of a cock up...rambling really doesn't suit me. well today's h1 lit paper marked the end of our week long examinations. came to school for 1 hour, traveled for 2 (what's new?). the paper was a poem by sylvia plath. nice lady. tad of the edge but nice enough. after the paper, miss milkshake and i went for brunch at vivo and planned to stalk Beta and her cousin after we were done. when we got there obviously nothing was open. as expected since it was 9.30 am. later we failed to accomplish our mission of stalking Beta and frightening her cousin. instead we abandoned efforts and shopped for shoes and dresses together. what fun. what joy. it was literally a good morning. on the whole anyway.

so coldplay's album eh. came out a few weeks ago. meant to mention it sooner. it sounds very much like the pre-X&Y era of disaster. but be forewarned, violet hill is still the arguably best track on the album entitled "viva la vida or death and all his friends". not to worry, coldplay is hardly considered demonic. viva la britpop-rock!

is it just me or are prayer sessions in the morning getting longer and longer? the vp is kind of long winded. hey if you really believe in the big guy up there, make it short and sweet. he's probably busy, you know being god and all. do you really think he'd have time to grant us our "refreshing weekends" in between all the causing of famine and poverty? even the most devout of believers start to lose focus and begin to flicker their eyes open after the first 5 minutes. then again, if it weren't for these little cat naps in the mornings, i'd probably run out of fuel within the first period.

finally cashing in on the postponed meet up with secondary school friends later today (well actually, now). they seemed a tad annoyed that i canceled on them before. hmm. it WAS quite sudden anyway. oh well, foreboding exams and responsibility radar kicks in when i least expect it. pity, it did nothing for my o lvls...

this is the end of a relatively short post that im making less shorter with this sentence.