coke for the soul

Sunday, February 22, 2009

four horsemen of 2012

omg omg omg im such a contradiction. i said i won't blog till after bt1 but im using blogging to fill up the time im procrastinating. i have a feeling that i have a lot homework to do before tomorrow but i excused myself from them to study for bt1. as you can see... that's not what's happening. i keep doing things like this. i can't expect myself to be lucky everytime.

on a complete and utterly separate note (ok maybe not), my chem tutor said i was very smart. heh heh heh. i don't blame her for making me spend 3 hours filing anymore.

we have a new time table because of the jc1s and it makes us end later than we already do. can i complain? yes. is my complaining justified? no. because it just means i pontang more days of school.

photog outing just now... saw many babies and children. jessie and shermin's biological clocks are ticking way too prematurely. i for one would not like to have any kids. adopted or otherwise. i didn't mind having a few but now ive changed my mind. simply because...

imagine if my red BMW car broke down and we had to take the train (my kid and i) or any other public transport. a) i can't handle the impracticality of it b) if it cries, i'll probably zip it up in an orange bag and leave it under my seat. someone's bound to think its some sort of novelty bomb and find it. what? im not completely heartless. at least i didn't suggest leaving him at the mustafa centre luggage section (though i have thought aboutt it.)

imagine if it soiled its diaper. and i hear this happens alot. im going to have to change it. with a new one for it soil again. do i really want to live a good part of my life stuck in this cycle?

imagine if i was watching lost (its not going to end anytime soon) and it starts buggling me at the climax when the music gets tense and someone suddenly grows a second head... do i really want to give up sawyer for it? (unless its sawyers but that's another story)

imagine if i stepped on it while it was rolling about on the floor. well that wouldn't be too bad, but i think you go to prison for that kind of stuff.

imagine if 13 years later, it goes through puberty and starts listening to simple plan. i'd be obligated to hit it over the head with a leg of lamb.

imagine it turned out just like me. that's a whole new set of problems i'd have to deal with.

but i do think babies are cute. so very very very very fat and chubby and deceptively lovable. they're not exactly a bundle of joy as many universally seem to agree upon but they are adorable. like if you give them candy they think you're god. and if you tell a lame joke they'll laugh and stuff. but it wears thin and so if i have one, i have to be like responsible and stuff. so here is my master plan. its genius i tell you... all i have to do is find fancy ang moh husbands for my 2 sisters and they can do the heavy lifting. i could just pop over whenever i feel like stepping out of my fabulous life. not to mention they'd still resemble me (not necessarily a bad thing if i do say so myself heh heh)

plus since its only like on weekends and stuff. the probability that i'd fuck them up is so very slim. and i totally suit the position of the "fun aunt". babies kinda remind my of cake. the buttocks especially. hmm.

my y.sis wants children and ive convinced her to have 5 (at least im working on it) and im allowed to name 2. 1 boy and 1 girl. ah the joys of not being a parent...