coke for the soul

Friday, February 20, 2009

weather to fly


mecury prize winner so don't be too skeptical about the name... HEH. don't they sound sexy?

remember the rough patch i was talking about? i've sandpapered it already. thanks to everyone who put up with my whining... its been settled so its clear skies:D :D yay! feel so free now... no more obligation for decent conversation (the worse kind of obligation). mulled over it for too long... should've gotten it over with sooner. like ripping a bandage off... its strange, can be so tongue in cheek about most things, but when it came to this... i was so cowardly and such a pussy. tut tut.

note to self: depussify thyself and sharpen thy sword of frankness.

just caught a reflection of myself in my computer screen... eew. can't stand looking in the mirror these days. my hair. is. so. fucking. horrible. not that that's news, but lately its taken to curling up at the end so it looks like i was teleported out of a 1970s anti-racism campaign.

so...lets way the pros and cons of straightening my hair.

pro: it will be straight
con: risk looking like an anjadi (indian ah lian)
pro: it will be straight
con: it may make my face look fat.
pro: my face already looks fat so anything i do to it can only be an improvement
con: if it looks horrible, it will be permanent for 6 months or more
pro: wouldn't need 2 massive pins to clip my "fringe" aka. a puffball
con: when new hair grows i'll look like i have "hair cancer"
pro: it will be longer
con: it will look fake (because it is. duh)
pro: it will be straight
con: it won't match my... other hair

well that argument just won itself...

im off to do massive amounts of tution homework and filing then... urgh. i haven't filed since primary 4.