coke for the soul

Sunday, February 15, 2009

mirror ball

circumstances makes us hard to understand sometimes and i hate life for that. been going through a rough patch at school and at home... ambiguity is all i can offer. trust me, you'd want to be spared of excruciating details of my painfully slow life.

speaking of documenting painfully slow lives, facebook seems to be a fad that has outlived its expiration date. might try it... or not (trying to remember the last time i was on friendster.) grr... all these friend sharing websites are only good for picture trading and snooping on other people who share way too much about their small tiny lives. yep... sure sounds like my kinda thing... (i realise, sarcasm, when read, loses its pizzazz. whatever.) technology is something i don't really want to get acquainted with too well. clearly...

valentine's day was yesterday. ate way too many chocolates and lollies. thanks to everyone who tried to collectively send me into diabetic spasms. nah, really thank you... the flowers, candy and chocolates were really tackiliciously sweet. v'day was quite pleasant on the whole...

on that note, no more or little blogging till after block test 1... or until i get bored of everything else. blogging seems like a waste of time and space nowadays. hmm, strange...

tata for now. love is in the air. flying kisses everywhere blah blah blah and all that other rubbish.