coke for the soul

Saturday, March 7, 2009

catching the butterfly


missed school on thursday and friday to do some mugging for block test. no secret there... closet free mugging done here... only time will tell if it'll pay off. felt a wee pinch for missing lit and chem tutorial on friday. i actually like them and feel smarter after them, but when mugging calls...

mm and i were discussing about moral compasses and the different parenting styles effects on them after X-country. i told her i have no qualms about breaking silly little school rules while she had her reservations (apparently they're there for a reason... who knew?). i think all our debates are fun and filled with substance because i always see different view points and how others might think. and i feel that's a pretty imporatant factor in the way you live. it either crafts your counter argument and strengthens your logic or it frees your mind... sometimes both.

i think i might start a bible study group after A levels if i have the time and the right people to join. what?? the bible is a very well written piece of art... but gospel truth? i think not. if you beg to differ, then you're welcome to join it. i think i'd like a mixture of agnostics, atheists, staunch but open minded christians and liberal (insert other religion)ists to participate. i realise i could step on some pretty serious territory, but since it technically isn't "bible study", fuck political correctness. say what you think when you think it. hallelujah.

err on that note, just because im thinking about (re-)reading the bible(coz once just isn't enough... ok that was mean. its more because i can't remember the stuff i skimmed through the last time) doesn't mean that i want a bunch of evangelical nutjobs on my arse(that is slowly but surely headed to hell if such a place ever existed). i, for one, think its lame when people immediately think that you're looking for a dose of proselytizing when you want to know more about any religion. my bible study will be different... hopefully. purely philosiphical and analytical. people with critical thinking skills are encouraged to come. if you can think critically AND are christian, do join... i'd like to really meet you. more info when i get my head around the idea better?(gosh im asking as though people are already queuing up. for all i know, it'd just be mm, beta and i in a starbucks rattling each other brains out.) still a project in the making...