coke for the soul

Saturday, September 19, 2009

when you were young

god i just love listening to some artists playing in live lounge! they're so eargasmically unique...

these are the noisettes doing a cover of the killers song, when you were young. personally don't like the killers but they're song writing skills and lyrical competence just comes shining through in this cover (ironically when someone else is doing it). listen to it please, its so genuinely lovely.

check out the noisettes. brilliant!

in other news, apparently miss singapore universe 2009 can't speak english properly even with 10 years of compulsory education. they're making a pretty big deal out of this, for reasons nobody actually gives two turds about. i thought i might still comment.

a) firstly, should we really be that shocked and mortified? lets look in on the education system. we only have to actually speak good english twice a year during oral. and even then, most of us fake it by putting on accents that don't belong to us. also, the education system's so hard up for teachers, they just about qualify anybody that owns a pencil skirt.

b) we're not going to make it past the first round anyway (just look at her, its like the concept of natural selection just overlooked singaporeans.), why do we care? we don't even need the representation. one day we're wee little fishing pond, and then WHAM! we're twice as big using your sand. our currency's thrice as strong because we're selling your goods. we've achieved political stability in less time than it takes clinton to zip up his fly using your communist ways! clearly, we don't NEED any representation in donald trump's little project to increase his number of sexual conquests before he dies. let's face it, our whole economy's strategy's based on "we're gonna get you when you least expect it". who cares if some little tramp misrepresents us? if you think china's scary, clearly you haven't been paying attention... pardon the patriotism, but its all so trivial and silly.

c) i can solve all of this in 2 seconds by sending my resident PRC scholar over to south africa to be her translator. all she has to do is put a lid on it.

bottomline, let's save that empty space in the newpapers for actual news. can't find any? more foxtrot i say.
