coke for the soul

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

weird divide

currently listening to the shins and i must say they're mind soothing goodness. i get secretly happy and smiley eveytime i listen to them. they have a weird effect on me. i ruffled a random kid's head again today because of them. luckily the boy and the mum smiled at me so its all good. haven't gained the crazy paedophilic psychopath status just yet.

haven't spoken to sammyQ in 5++ weeks! RAWR. im going to miss this week too tut tut. weep and cry. weep and cry i say.

oh ya. ive been watching singapore television in a bid to make myself more... culturally aware? nah just to put off studying. somehow watching tele doesn't make me feel as guilty as going online even though the amount of time wasted is more and satisfaction garnered is less.

anyway, is it because i just recently started tuning in and and have no idea what's going on in our country? or is television getting vastly more ghastly? seriously...

the ultimatum. yes i watched it. what of it buddy??? its seriously so ridiculous (but addictive i must add). everytime a character pulled out a fucking gun, i involuntarily broke out into rib-breaking laughter. totally ruined the entire moment. they give you an anal probe at woodlands checkpoint for weed but just let you breeze on by into the country with a gun. fabulous.

well at least they speak good chinese... it think. it sounded fine to me. but what do i know?

i only started watching red thread 3 weeks ago (when i was supposed to be studying), but i immediately flinched when "too much botox girl", "ah beng boytoy" and "i try too hard to excel at something i have no talent for girl" tried to speak english. i realise judging noobies for their acting is not fair. but they all tried so painfully hard to speak english, the dialogue was so slow and punctuated with yet more horrible pronunciation. the slower they talk, the more it seemed like venom was injection into my brain through my cornea. and then again with the mother fucking guns. what is with singaporean tv producers' fascination with guns??

there's only so much "surrealism" one can take. im willing to accept all that money being flinged about, the setting, clothes, characterisation... even the occasional "return from the dead plotline". but all that dramatisation about love is so unrealistic in today's context. no one has time for shit like this. maybe 10 year's time when the ah lian population triples in singapore...

"wo ai ni <3<3"
"ni shi wo di di"
"WTF?? gasp!"

fann wong isn't exactly a wanton sex goddess but they spent valuable funds employing 3 guys to play her love interest. if you want unrealistic, lap that up...

i feel that all television actors should have at least some experience with theatre before trying to bulldoze their way onto tele. which was how actors from both shows felt. melodramatic and fake. noobiness smeared all over my television. sad part is: it isn't just the new actors but the "veteran" ones as well. *cough*zoe tay and fann wong*cough*. seriously people really underestimate classical training in acting.

let's face it. i watch these things voluntarily just so that i can rant about and criticise them. i really deserve a kick up the arse.