coke for the soul

Friday, July 31, 2009

pineapples... yummy

friday is the best. robinson knew that.

i want to watch public enemies. i also want that hat depp wears on the posters.

its not fair that some people look so hot and others don't. but i like to think of good looking people as nature's gift to the rest of us ugly people. plus being beautiful is boring, you don't have to work for anything.

i was watching the national geographic channel just now and they showed the offsping of a grizzly bear and polar bear. do grizzly bears live at the south pole? strange. anyway the offspring was hunted down by this redneck canadian fellow and no one seemed to mention the fucked-uppyness of it all.

here we see a perfect example of evolution at its best and in comes along 1 man with a gun and shoots it. and then stuffs it. and then ships it out the national geographic studios to make a show called evolution. sheesh kebab.

this is why i think that evolution is reaching stagnation and natural selection may have run its course. too much interference from mankind. its reaching an asymptote. at first evolution was fast and rapid and then it slows down before stopping all together. maybe this is nature's way of saying that the end is near? nature is one cool badass. nature rides a harley.

did you know the universe is expanding? the moon's spiralling further and further from the earth each year. the sun is going to burn out in a few billion years too. but even before that we're going to run out of oil. brilliant. we're getting kicked off of the planet for pissing nature off.

i hope i live long enough for the apocalyse. i'd like to see nature kick everyone in the balls before saying "fuck this, fuck y'all, i'm going to disneyland and then after that i'm going to take a cruise in the carribeans with johnny depp". nature might be a woman. that would explain all the pms and tsunamis.

on with life and what not. im going to dream of pink ponies and drowning them in a bath tub now.