coke for the soul

Friday, July 31, 2009

pineapples... yummy

friday is the best. robinson knew that.

i want to watch public enemies. i also want that hat depp wears on the posters.

its not fair that some people look so hot and others don't. but i like to think of good looking people as nature's gift to the rest of us ugly people. plus being beautiful is boring, you don't have to work for anything.

i was watching the national geographic channel just now and they showed the offsping of a grizzly bear and polar bear. do grizzly bears live at the south pole? strange. anyway the offspring was hunted down by this redneck canadian fellow and no one seemed to mention the fucked-uppyness of it all.

here we see a perfect example of evolution at its best and in comes along 1 man with a gun and shoots it. and then stuffs it. and then ships it out the national geographic studios to make a show called evolution. sheesh kebab.

this is why i think that evolution is reaching stagnation and natural selection may have run its course. too much interference from mankind. its reaching an asymptote. at first evolution was fast and rapid and then it slows down before stopping all together. maybe this is nature's way of saying that the end is near? nature is one cool badass. nature rides a harley.

did you know the universe is expanding? the moon's spiralling further and further from the earth each year. the sun is going to burn out in a few billion years too. but even before that we're going to run out of oil. brilliant. we're getting kicked off of the planet for pissing nature off.

i hope i live long enough for the apocalyse. i'd like to see nature kick everyone in the balls before saying "fuck this, fuck y'all, i'm going to disneyland and then after that i'm going to take a cruise in the carribeans with johnny depp". nature might be a woman. that would explain all the pms and tsunamis.

on with life and what not. im going to dream of pink ponies and drowning them in a bath tub now.

Friday, July 24, 2009


i've been watching iron chef!! its so hilarious.

the comments people leave behind on the video are even more funny. simply love it.

my BT2 results

they're not toooooo bad though my econs seems to be constant source of misery to me-though i still can't seem to do anything about it. "oh it can't be that bad" you say? try 27 out of 100. that's like a fat U that's shying away from all the other littler Us on the score sheet. well a high U or low U what's the difference? MY HONOUR AND PRIDE!! waaaaah!

other than that... aside from the disappointing GP results, the rest are mildly ok. good even.

math: E
chem: E
econs: U (honourary mention)
lit: E

total rank points: 43-45 (not sure which it is)

im big on target setting. its my new thing. im also trying to be annoyingly competitive with everybody so that i have more at stake... like my pride. im going to beat all you motherfuckers, hmph. yeah i know annoying, but its going to help me study with a vengence. heh heh heh. the right thing to do would be to compete with your own grades but since when have i done the right thing and my grades aren't all that challenging to beat.


math: A
chem: B
econs: C
lit: C

total rank points: 70

my teacher will call my dad up and tell her how awesome i am. brilliant.

the key to success is to set really unrealistic goals for yourself and actually attain them. -Nandhini (the one who got 70 rank points for prelims)


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

weird divide

currently listening to the shins and i must say they're mind soothing goodness. i get secretly happy and smiley eveytime i listen to them. they have a weird effect on me. i ruffled a random kid's head again today because of them. luckily the boy and the mum smiled at me so its all good. haven't gained the crazy paedophilic psychopath status just yet.

haven't spoken to sammyQ in 5++ weeks! RAWR. im going to miss this week too tut tut. weep and cry. weep and cry i say.

oh ya. ive been watching singapore television in a bid to make myself more... culturally aware? nah just to put off studying. somehow watching tele doesn't make me feel as guilty as going online even though the amount of time wasted is more and satisfaction garnered is less.

anyway, is it because i just recently started tuning in and and have no idea what's going on in our country? or is television getting vastly more ghastly? seriously...

the ultimatum. yes i watched it. what of it buddy??? its seriously so ridiculous (but addictive i must add). everytime a character pulled out a fucking gun, i involuntarily broke out into rib-breaking laughter. totally ruined the entire moment. they give you an anal probe at woodlands checkpoint for weed but just let you breeze on by into the country with a gun. fabulous.

well at least they speak good chinese... it think. it sounded fine to me. but what do i know?

i only started watching red thread 3 weeks ago (when i was supposed to be studying), but i immediately flinched when "too much botox girl", "ah beng boytoy" and "i try too hard to excel at something i have no talent for girl" tried to speak english. i realise judging noobies for their acting is not fair. but they all tried so painfully hard to speak english, the dialogue was so slow and punctuated with yet more horrible pronunciation. the slower they talk, the more it seemed like venom was injection into my brain through my cornea. and then again with the mother fucking guns. what is with singaporean tv producers' fascination with guns??

there's only so much "surrealism" one can take. im willing to accept all that money being flinged about, the setting, clothes, characterisation... even the occasional "return from the dead plotline". but all that dramatisation about love is so unrealistic in today's context. no one has time for shit like this. maybe 10 year's time when the ah lian population triples in singapore...

"wo ai ni <3<3"
"ni shi wo di di"
"WTF?? gasp!"

fann wong isn't exactly a wanton sex goddess but they spent valuable funds employing 3 guys to play her love interest. if you want unrealistic, lap that up...

i feel that all television actors should have at least some experience with theatre before trying to bulldoze their way onto tele. which was how actors from both shows felt. melodramatic and fake. noobiness smeared all over my television. sad part is: it isn't just the new actors but the "veteran" ones as well. *cough*zoe tay and fann wong*cough*. seriously people really underestimate classical training in acting.

let's face it. i watch these things voluntarily just so that i can rant about and criticise them. i really deserve a kick up the arse.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009



been a long time eh? just finished tests yesterday. im going to fails econs for sure. math chem and lit are pending so there's hope!

watched duplicity yesterday with Dilys and i have to say... CLIVE OWEN is a darling man and embodies everything i expect my husband to be. can't wait to go out with the rest of you guys heh heh heh. though im expecting more study dates than anything else:D that's fine too hee hee.
you can see im chipper from sleeping in on a wednesday. aaaah... i may never get to do this again.
right. i had a birthday a few weeks ago and it was brilliant - soaked with reproachful guilt - but brilliant nonetheless. i wanted to do this a long time ago but the exams and all you know...

thursday - slept in and then went to the clinic with daddy dearest to check out my asthma. and then he asked what i wanted for my birthday. i must say i had the decency to look sheepish and coy before blurting out that i wanted a few handphone. we were already in the carpark, but he started pulling out of the parking lot to go get it. we went and bought a not-so-cheap nokia E66 heh then got some lunch.

had tuition later in the evening so it was kind of a downer. and then i actually got to tuition. it was so cute and sweet. kitty cat planned to surprise me:D:D totally loved her for it. she called me randomly one evening and asked me what kind of cake to get for her father for father's day. and we were discussing and i told her i'd get mango cake if it was for my own dad coz its not tooo sweet for diabetic dad and its also my favourite.
she got me a mango cake. it was all very secretive. we were all sitting around her table and then my teacher said he needed to go to the toilet and left. and kit then went to the kitchen. and then yuhui was like "is it very cold?"... "um no"... "can off the fan?" and the she left to the kitchen as well. and the lights went out and they all came out with cake. i was flabbergasted and just literally had my mouth open. i think that really made my day. i mean even my tuition teacher was in on it. what darlings:D

unfortunately since it was a surprise, no pictures from me.

after that i was totally and apologetically late to meet gail, jane, eunice, christine and jocelyn. i was grovelling on the phone i swear. it was uberfun as it is usually with them (i'll be seeing christine and natalie tomorrow i hope heh). i was kinda high and incandescently happy. pictures? hell yeah!

we had peach juice aka. bacardi breezers haha. they thought it was going to be my first drink so they went for something light. it should be noted that gail went a wee bit tipsy on them heh. they presented me so graciously with 2 sleep t-shirts from cotton on. one compliments my boobs and the other insults my kissing. thanks guys. i wear them often.

friday - i met D. her birthday's just a day before mine (she never lets me forget that she's older and undoubtedly first). we had lunch at a steak place. afterwards i got my nose pierced in lieu of the fact that i was 18 (didn't hurt) and then it was just a happy day of shopping. we must have screened through the whole of singapore. thank god i was in slippers. we both got decent amounts of stuff heehee. oooh she got me a pair of really adorably cool sunglasses from miss selfridge for my birthday. i treated her to dinner and drinks at the belgian bar at suntec - ooster's - in return. we decided we loved it there and we're going to make it a regualr place we haunt. if you ask me, west mall's getting quite used to us.
overall it was an awesome birthday. thank you to everyone who wished me, and more importantly remembered it:D remembering birthdays is hard! so it was a honour heh.
hope to see you all soon. til next time... toorah!