coke for the soul

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

gasp! she lives.

russel crowe is fat.

i went to watch state of play the other day. and russel crowe is quite pudgy. looked much better in a good year (though the story line came off better in the book).

the movie itself was quite nice although i sorta knew who the bad guy was from the beginning. it was a little too obvious in the way they portrayed him, like not allowing the viewers to get to close to the character, portraying him as less sympathetic. it was kind of different with scoop (woody allen).

scoop had similar themes relating to journalism, appearances vs. reality etc. it was a comedy but it employed the same plot of mystery. in scoop, woody allowed you to fall in love with hugh jackman's character which sort of heightened the impact. although i watched scoop a few years back when it came out, and the tone and setting were vastly different, i was sort of reminded of it after i watched state of play. weird comparison, i think.

watching radiohead's scotch mist... again. gotta love youtube.
got bill maher lined up after that. he's so witty. not really funny, but the kind of effect ricky gervais has on me, sort of evil grin plastered on your face type.

currently ignoring that twinge of guilt for putting off math. heh.

i hate stats. i think it isn't real maths. its fake math in the guise of real math. grr. im so bad at it. i can't wrap my brain around the inabsoluteness of it.

1.48am. thinking of taking a shower again. and then doing math. showering helps me clear my head for some reason. i get my best ideas in the shower and on the toilet. seriously... epiphanies, i tell you.

anybody else notice how little effort i put into these nowaday? heh off i go then...