this was a long time ago. after cny celebration allan first, and then kit, jessie and yun came over for a bit before that night's outing. and then there's allan in a punjabi suit that the rest missed hahahah. punjabi pictures below. its alright to laugh heh heh.

yup that's what we indians do in our free time... dance and pray hehehe
next up is oasis concert on the 5th of april sunday. the best mother fucking time. brilliant doesn't even begin to cover the tip of the tip of the tip of the iceberg. their charisma is flawless and performance was unrivalled. i think i would like to live my life in a concert:D damn fucking good.
everybody was body to body with each other. my sweat is your sweat. i was "massaged" in my boobs many times but i didn't give a rat's arse coz the music was what it was all about. everybody was so nice and friendly at the concert. so accomodating and free! like when we started jumping together, the whole crowd would lose their balance and sway to either side, only no one would fall coz its so tightly packed you'd just be leaning on another guy. and then that guy would be leaning on another guy. nobody would mind, instead they'd give you this massive grin and deliriously glinty look that seemed to suggest that you connected on a level that nobody else outside could cmprehend. it was like being in love as a child. no restrictions whatsoever.
there was this guy behind me at one point who ruffled my hair for no apparent reason. and another guy who swayed and sang with me (he put his face close to mine and shouted out the words). and this guy next to me, so nice la... he let me rest my arms on his shoulder. i was whacked a couple times on the back by unnamed people. damn shiok la... everyone should live their lives like they were living in a concert.
im glad christine and yuhua was there tooooooo. they were awesome and weren't frightened of the insane me at all. they went sufficiently insane with me:D i bought a poster which christine was happy to keep for me in her bag during the concert. it got crushed anyway by authentic oasis fans weeeeeeeeeeee!!!! haha i would have bought it afterward but the guy say it will run out pretty soon!!

next up is oasis concert on the 5th of april sunday. the best mother fucking time. brilliant doesn't even begin to cover the tip of the tip of the tip of the iceberg. their charisma is flawless and performance was unrivalled. i think i would like to live my life in a concert:D damn fucking good.
everybody was body to body with each other. my sweat is your sweat. i was "massaged" in my boobs many times but i didn't give a rat's arse coz the music was what it was all about. everybody was so nice and friendly at the concert. so accomodating and free! like when we started jumping together, the whole crowd would lose their balance and sway to either side, only no one would fall coz its so tightly packed you'd just be leaning on another guy. and then that guy would be leaning on another guy. nobody would mind, instead they'd give you this massive grin and deliriously glinty look that seemed to suggest that you connected on a level that nobody else outside could cmprehend. it was like being in love as a child. no restrictions whatsoever.
there was this guy behind me at one point who ruffled my hair for no apparent reason. and another guy who swayed and sang with me (he put his face close to mine and shouted out the words). and this guy next to me, so nice la... he let me rest my arms on his shoulder. i was whacked a couple times on the back by unnamed people. damn shiok la... everyone should live their lives like they were living in a concert.
im glad christine and yuhua was there tooooooo. they were awesome and weren't frightened of the insane me at all. they went sufficiently insane with me:D i bought a poster which christine was happy to keep for me in her bag during the concert. it got crushed anyway by authentic oasis fans weeeeeeeeeeee!!!! haha i would have bought it afterward but the guy say it will run out pretty soon!!
my poster:D:D:D:D:D:D wahahaha! suits my room i must say...
right. so yesterday was sports day. i was on photo duty(meaning slacking off in the dark room with mm and sweet rachel) so i didn't have to sit through the festivities. seemed loud though. must've been alright. last year i didn't bother with coming to school so i have officially missed sport's day for the rest of my life. haha i think mm and i share the same "who fucking cares?" sentiments on this one...
later we went to watch detroit metal city. it was a horribly douchebaggy movie that i wasted 8.50 on... i warned the milkshake but she just had to watch it against my better judgment tut tut. it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that if the movie is in japanese, made in japan and has a poster that looks like this,
chances are that the movie will suck balls. hahaha but mm has a incurable addiction to fetishy cutesey films with million dollar marketing schemes. sigh, who can help her? hahaha like an exceptionally adorable moth to a flame...
before the movie we saw this and just had to do it... a few ang moh girls walked past and laughed at us heh. now this is a movie i want to watch... yummy.
later we went to watch detroit metal city. it was a horribly douchebaggy movie that i wasted 8.50 on... i warned the milkshake but she just had to watch it against my better judgment tut tut. it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that if the movie is in japanese, made in japan and has a poster that looks like this,

before the movie we saw this and just had to do it... a few ang moh girls walked past and laughed at us heh. now this is a movie i want to watch... yummy.
have a good friday everyone!! hahaha i hope you notice the not so subtle play on words... church on saturday evening anyone? betamon's having a thing and i need good company...