coke for the soul

Sunday, March 29, 2009


yesterday was earthday. i didn't give a shit.

those families that did decide to turn their lights off between 8.30 and 9.30pm yesterday probably took the logical approach out (as opposed to staying home and sitting in the dark) and went out in their petrol-fueled mercedes benz/BMWs. way to go save the world, give yourself a pat on the back.

here's a little tribute to yesterday's earthday and man's little effort at saving the planet... it's george carlin...

Friday, March 27, 2009

agar agar

it hasn't been a good week at all... feeling sad and awkward.

i don't know how to tell dad that i failed chem. again. oh so terribly. even with tuition. there just isn't an excuse anymore. not even an S dammit.

by now i thought there would be an improvement. there is none. i haven't been able to sleep properly tbh. its quite sad the way i worry sometimes. there's a sudden surge in the number of pimple farms of my face. and this makes me worry about how much i worry. feeling sad and awkward and anxious and depressed. sedate me. haaaaaiyaaaah.

mum is being difficult and annoying too.

they just know how to lay it on thick. migraine mania.

as the beatles used to say:

All my troubles seemed so far away,
Now it looks as though they're here to stay,
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

i wish to be submerged in a giant tub of agar agar and be left in the fridge. so that when it sets, i can look at the world but can't hear it. i want to roll about in soft gelatin. and when im ready to face the fuzzy world again, i'll eat my way out.

here's a poem i wrote about agar agar in rhyming couplets

rose flavoured agar agar
stain my fingers deep magenta
so festive and so jiggly
so bouncy and so slimy

service learning was not bad. but it made me semi-depressed (seems to be a recurring theme this week) to think of how many of us were going to end up in a home when the new generation of mediabots are born. and about what a curse it can be to can be to live long.

so next time someone wishes me a long life, im going to punch them in the face to make sure they take it back.

Friday, March 13, 2009



even though nobody cares, EXAM REVIEW!!! yay.

most of block test is over and it was unexpected. for the first time i feel like i did better in chem than in GP. im quite upset because my favourite topic, religion, came out and i totally flopped on writer's block. plus a lot of people did it so my half-arsed essay will come short in comparison. haaaaiyah... so weird, i talk about religion all the time and win so many verbal arguments but on paper, im at a lost for words. i guess i didn't feel that groove... usually i do, the adrenaline and the excitement of somehow pissing someone off with my smug little arguments just gets to me. im going to rewrite the essay again at home for fun, just to prove to myself that i could have done it... im pretty anal in some ways. sheesh.

chem was surprisingly alright. as long as i don't get a U or S i'll be okay. people don't give tuition enough credit. math was not good. let's see what happens... im aiming for 40 rank points (up from 35). it's all about goal setting...

i don't know if its a arts faculty thing or its just that all my arts faculty friends are like that. they all have insane targets and goals (that they actually come close to!! if they fall short they're so disappointed... its so intimidating).

mathew santos is my current find. jazz on acoustic guitar=unfound talent waiting for mtv to ruin him. love love love him. he's the guy who got ignored after doing "superstar" with lupe fiasco. damn good.

i actually like lupe fiasco (sometimes). i know its rap and we've all got out reservations but this guy's quite different. his lyrics actually makes sense:)

but who cares about him, youtube MATTHEW SANTOS and listen to his voice... raspy jazz heaven... aaaaah... *sits back and melts into chair*

Saturday, March 7, 2009

catching the butterfly


missed school on thursday and friday to do some mugging for block test. no secret there... closet free mugging done here... only time will tell if it'll pay off. felt a wee pinch for missing lit and chem tutorial on friday. i actually like them and feel smarter after them, but when mugging calls...

mm and i were discussing about moral compasses and the different parenting styles effects on them after X-country. i told her i have no qualms about breaking silly little school rules while she had her reservations (apparently they're there for a reason... who knew?). i think all our debates are fun and filled with substance because i always see different view points and how others might think. and i feel that's a pretty imporatant factor in the way you live. it either crafts your counter argument and strengthens your logic or it frees your mind... sometimes both.

i think i might start a bible study group after A levels if i have the time and the right people to join. what?? the bible is a very well written piece of art... but gospel truth? i think not. if you beg to differ, then you're welcome to join it. i think i'd like a mixture of agnostics, atheists, staunch but open minded christians and liberal (insert other religion)ists to participate. i realise i could step on some pretty serious territory, but since it technically isn't "bible study", fuck political correctness. say what you think when you think it. hallelujah.

err on that note, just because im thinking about (re-)reading the bible(coz once just isn't enough... ok that was mean. its more because i can't remember the stuff i skimmed through the last time) doesn't mean that i want a bunch of evangelical nutjobs on my arse(that is slowly but surely headed to hell if such a place ever existed). i, for one, think its lame when people immediately think that you're looking for a dose of proselytizing when you want to know more about any religion. my bible study will be different... hopefully. purely philosiphical and analytical. people with critical thinking skills are encouraged to come. if you can think critically AND are christian, do join... i'd like to really meet you. more info when i get my head around the idea better?(gosh im asking as though people are already queuing up. for all i know, it'd just be mm, beta and i in a starbucks rattling each other brains out.) still a project in the making...