coke for the soul

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

this is hardcore



aaaargh cant wait for next season. so frustrating!!

i fee
l like i should go read the damn books instead of waiting an entire year for it to start up again. bleagh. whatever.

tomorrow is
lunch with TJ crowd, friday is shopping and drinks with D. saturday is meet the grandparents and first theory lesson for bike. sunday is church... haha. did you fall for that one?? sunday shall be cycling i think.

in other news, signed on with a recruit company. might get a job soon heh heh. and when that happens i sha
ll become a money making machine. niceeeee.

lications for uni+learning to cook+planning for india+preparations for sister's arrival+video with mikshake all have yet to be begun. busy busy busy and totally loving it. when else do you get to do only the things you like and nothing else? even when i have nothing to do i can just pick up some stuff and go swimming. life is good right now. until results come out and sucks away all this happiness, i shall spend my days like this...

gotta go get showered and dressed for tonight. meanwhile im in love with this song! its so dark and classy, it makes me quiver with happiness and illusions of...none of your business. haha its the sort of song you get you cherry popped to, if anybody needs suggestions. its Pulp, this is hardcore. which they obviously are.

les guys.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

star guitar

hey guys

back from vietnam. best time of my life. your greed for pictures shall be satisfied on facebook/here when i choose to stop being lazy.

if you asked for souvineres (i shall spell it however i want], you shall definitely get them if/when i see you. if you never asked for any, then it was subject to budget and my own thoughtfulness... you can stop hoping right there.

time to plan for india trip. around march to april. this time its competely solo, based on my own organisation and 75% paid for by myself - i am a poor student after all. i shall begin my job hunting tomorrow after a trip to the driving centre.

no more 4 star hotels and kid sister for company. india is going to be hardcore now that i know what im in for. hardcore i tell you.

oh yeah, now that im back, who wants to get sloshed??

Friday, December 4, 2009


hey bitches

got back from malaysia yesterday. leaving for vietnam on sunday. everyone's mad that im going on my own. especially granny. apparently having vagina doesn't qualify you to step out of the country solo... or so im told. be back soon (possibly after getting raped.)

laptop's wonky. using six year old tablet pc. switching between her and the ancient IBM, both of which are seriously fucked up. dad's hinting that i get a job and pay for it myself. greenlight for macbook? heh.

currently using my savings to pay for bike license. running low. shall seek empoyment soon.,

pictures when i find a source to upload on.

bad mood. wanna be back on beach jet ski-ing.

adios amigos