coke for the soul

Sunday, October 4, 2009

throwing my arms around paris

it's four o' clock and i have a crazing for chocolate milk.

my laptop's being wonky and throwing bitch fits. if i off her, she refuses to start up again. i think it's her battery pack which blew a long time ago or the adapter. meh. she's been working well past her due date, maybe its time to save up for a macbook pro?

olympus has taken to humping anything that stays still for more than 3 seconds which compels me to type this while sitting atop my coffee table. i strongly suspect he's gay because he gets head everytime he sees this other fluffy dog. seriously, he gets all excited, sniff, sniff, the BANG! quite literally. i usually have to pick him up before he starts his deed. the owner always has a very suppressed amused look on his face, which is mighty embarrassing. my tiny homo mongrel on his pedigree pup. sir nathan needs to get neutered.

speaking of homosexual animals, gay dolphins fuck each other in their blowholes. talk about blow jobs...